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HTTP client functionality.
struct HTTP;
Name | Type | Description |
authenticationMethod [set]
CurlAuth | Authentication method as specified in AuthMethod .
caInfo [set]
const(char)[] | Set the CA certificate bundle file to use for SSL peer verification |
connectTimeout [set]
Duration | Set timeout for connecting. |
contentLength [set]
ulong | The content length in bytes when using request that has content e.g. POST/PUT and not using chunked transfer. Is set as the "Content-Length" header. Set to ulong.max to reset to chunked transfer. |
dataTimeout [set]
Duration | Set timeout for activity on connection. |
defaultUserAgent [get]
string | The default "User-Agent" value send with a request. It has the form " (libcurl/CURL_VERSION)" |
dnsTimeout [set]
Duration | DNS lookup timeout. |
isStopped [get]
bool | True if the instance is stopped. A stopped instance is not usable. |
localPort [set]
ushort | Set the local outgoing port to use. |
localPortRange [set]
ushort | Set the local outgoing port range to use. This can be used together with the localPort property. |
maxRedirects [set]
uint | Set max allowed redirections using the location header. uint.max for infinite. |
method [get, set]
HTTP | HTTP method used. |
netInterface [set]
const(char)[] | The network interface to use in form of the IP of the interface. |
onProgress [set]
int delegate(ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong) | Register an event handler that gets called to inform of upload/download progress. |
onReceive [set]
ulong delegate(ubyte[]) | The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the callback returns. |
onReceiveHeader [set]
void delegate(in char[], in char[]) | Set the event handler that receives incoming headers. |
onReceiveStatusLine [set]
void delegate(HTTP | Callback for each received StatusLine. |
onSend [set]
ulong delegate(void[]) | The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending. The
length of the void[] specifies the maximum number of bytes that can
be sent.
operationTimeout [set]
Duration | Set maximum time an operation is allowed to take. This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc. |
postData [set]
const(void)[] | Specifying data to post when not using the onSend callback. |
postData [set]
const(char)[] | Specifying data to post when not using the onSend callback. |
proxy [set]
const(char)[] | Proxy |
proxyPort [set]
ushort | Proxy port |
proxyType [set]
CurlProxy | Proxy type |
responseHeaders [get]
string[string] | The headers read from a successful response. |
statusLine [get]
HTTP | HTTP status line of last response. One call to perform may result in several requests because of redirection. |
tcpNoDelay [set]
bool | Set the tcp no-delay socket option on or off. |
url [set]
const(char)[] | The URL to specify the location of the resource. |
verbose [set]
bool | Set verbose. This will print request information to stderr. |
Name | Description |
(name, value)
Add a header e.g. "X-CustomField: Something is fishy". |
Clear all cookies. |
Clear all outgoing headers. |
Clear session cookies. |
Flush cookie jar to disk. |
(timing, val)
Get various timings defined in CurlInfo .
The value is usable only if the return value is equal to CurlError .
Constructor taking the url as parameter. |
Perform a http request. |
(username, password, domain)
Set the user name, password and optionally domain for authentication purposes. |
Set the active cookie string e.g. "name1=value1;name2=value2" |
Set a file path to where a cookie jar should be read/stored. |
(data, contentType)
Specify data to post when not using the onSend callback, with user-specified Content-Type. |
(username, password)
Set the user name and password for proxy authentication. |
(cond, timestamp)
Set time condition on the request. |
Set the value of the user agent request header field. |
Stop and invalidate this instance. |
Inner structs
Name | Description |
HTTP status line ie. the first line returned in an HTTP response. |
Name | Description |
The standard HTTP methods : RFC2616 Section 5.1.1 |
Name | Description |
Authentication method equal to CurlAuth
Type of proxy |
Value to return from onSend delegate in order to abort a request |
Value to return from onSend /onReceive delegates in order to
pause a request
Time condition enumeration as an alias of CurlTimeCond
Get with custom data receivers:
import std .net .curl, std .stdio;
auto http = HTTP("");
http .onReceiveHeader =
(in char[] key, in char[] value) { writeln(key ~ ": " ~ value); };
http .onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { /+ drop +/ return data .length; };
http .perform();
Put with data senders:
import std .net .curl, std .stdio;
auto http = HTTP("");
auto msg = "Hello world";
http .contentLength = msg .length;
http .onSend = (void[] data)
auto m = cast(void[]) msg;
size_t len = m .length > data .length ? data .length : m .length;
if (len == 0) return len;
data[0 .. len] = m[0 .. len];
msg = msg[len..$];
return len;
http .perform();
Tracking progress:
import std .net .curl, std .stdio;
auto http = HTTP();
http .method = HTTP .Method .get;
http .url = "" ~
http .onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data .length; };
http .onProgress = (size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow,
size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow)
writeln("Progress ", dltotal, ", ", dlnow, ", ", ultotal, ", ", ulnow);
return 0;
http .perform();
See Also
Jonas Drewsen. Some of the SMTP code contributed by Jimmy Cao.
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