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Module std.encoding

Classes and functions for handling and transcoding between various encodings.

For cases where the encoding is known at compile-time, functions are provided for arbitrary encoding and decoding of characters, arbitrary transcoding between strings of different type, as well as validation and sanitization.

Encodings currently supported are UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, ASCII, ISO-8859-1 (also known as LATIN-1), ISO-8859-2 (LATIN-2), WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1251 and WINDOWS-1252.

For cases where the encoding is not known at compile-time, but is known at run-time, the abstract class EncodingScheme and its subclasses is provided. To construct a run-time encoder/decoder, one does e.g.

auto e = EncodingScheme.create("utf-8");

This library supplies EncodingScheme subclasses for ASCII, ISO-8859-1 (also known as LATIN-1), ISO-8859-2 (LATIN-2), WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1251, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, and (on little-endian architectures) UTF-16LE and UTF-32LE; or (on big-endian architectures) UTF-16BE and UTF-32BE.

This library provides a mechanism whereby other modules may add EncodingScheme subclasses for any other encoding.


canEncode(c) Returns true iff it is possible to represent the specified codepoint in the encoding.
codePoints(s) Returns a foreachable struct which can bidirectionally iterate over all code points in a string.
codeUnits(c) Returns a foreachable struct which can bidirectionally iterate over all code units in a code point.
decode(s) Decodes a single code point.
decodeReverse(s) Decodes a single code point from the end of a string.
encode(c) Encodes a single code point.
encode(c, array) Encodes a single code point into an array.
encode(c, dg) Encodes a single code point to a delegate.
encode(s, range) Encodes the contents of s in units of type Tgt, writing the result to an output range.
encodedLength(c) Returns the number of code units required to encode a single code point.
encodingName() Returns the name of an encoding.
firstSequence(s) Returns the length of the first encoded sequence.
getBOM(input) Returns a BOMSeq for a given input. If no BOM is present the BOMSeq for BOM.none is returned. The BOM sequence at the beginning of the range will not be comsumed from the passed range. If you pass a reference type range make sure that save creates a deep copy.
index(s, n) Returns the array index at which the (n+1)th code point begins.
isValid(s) Returns true if the string is encoded correctly
isValidCodePoint(c) Returns true if c is a valid code point
isValidCodeUnit(c) Returns true if the code unit is legal. For example, the byte 0x80 would not be legal in ASCII, because ASCII code units must always be in the range 0x00 to 0x7F.
lastSequence(s) Returns the length of the last encoded sequence.
safeDecode(s) Decodes a single code point. The input does not have to be valid.
sanitize(s) Sanitizes a string by replacing malformed code unit sequences with valid code unit sequences. The result is guaranteed to be valid for this encoding.
transcode(s, r) Convert a string from one encoding to another.
validLength(s) Returns the length of the longest possible substring, starting from the first code unit, which is validly encoded.


EncodingException The base class for exceptions thrown by this module
EncodingScheme Abstract base class of all encoding schemes
EncodingSchemeASCII EncodingScheme to handle ASCII
EncodingSchemeLatin1 EncodingScheme to handle Latin-1
EncodingSchemeLatin2 EncodingScheme to handle Latin-2
EncodingSchemeUtf16Native EncodingScheme to handle UTF-16 in native byte order
EncodingSchemeUtf32Native EncodingScheme to handle UTF-32 in native byte order
EncodingSchemeUtf8 EncodingScheme to handle UTF-8
EncodingSchemeWindows1250 EncodingScheme to handle Windows-1250
EncodingSchemeWindows1251 EncodingScheme to handle Windows-1251
EncodingSchemeWindows1252 EncodingScheme to handle Windows-1252


AsciiChar Defines various character sets.
BOM Definitions of common Byte Order Marks. The elements of the enum can used as indices into bomTable to get matching BOMSeq.
Latin1Char Defines an Latin1-encoded character.
Latin2Char Defines a Latin2-encoded character.
Windows1250Char Defines a Windows1250-encoded character.
Windows1251Char Defines a Windows1251-encoded character.
Windows1252Char Defines a Windows1252-encoded character.

Manifest constants

INVALID_SEQUENCE Special value returned by safeDecode
utfBOM Constant defining a fully decoded BOM

Global variables

bomTable immutable(Tuple!(std.encoding.BOM,"schema",ubyte[],"sequence")[]) Mapping of a byte sequence to Byte Order Mark (BOM)


AsciiString immutable(AsciiChar)[] Defines various character sets.
BOMSeq Tuple!(std.encoding.BOM,"schema",ubyte[],"sequence") The type stored inside bomTable.
Latin1String immutable(Latin1Char)[] Defines an Latin1-encoded string (as an array of immutable(Latin1Char)).
Latin2String immutable(Latin2Char)[] Defines an Latin2-encoded string (as an array of immutable(Latin2Char)).
Windows1250String immutable(Windows1250Char)[] Defines an Windows1250-encoded string (as an array of immutable(Windows1250Char)).
Windows1251String immutable(Windows1251Char)[] Defines an Windows1251-encoded string (as an array of immutable(Windows1251Char)).
Windows1252String immutable(Windows1252Char)[] Defines an Windows1252-encoded string (as an array of immutable(Windows1252Char)).


Janice Caron


Boost License 1.0.