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Module core.thread.osthread
The osthread module provides low-level, OS-dependent code for thread creation and management.
Name | Description |
createLowLevelThread(dg, stacksize, cbDllUnload)
Create a thread not under control of the runtime, i.e. TLS module constructors are not run and the GC does not suspend it during a collection. |
Wait for a thread created with createLowLevelThread to terminate.
Registers the calling thread for use with the D Runtime. If this routine is called for a thread which is already registered, no action is performed. |
Initializes the thread module. This function must be called by the garbage collector on startup and before any other thread routines are called. |
thread_setGCSignals(suspendSignalNo, resumeSignalNo)
Instruct the thread module, when initialized, to use a different set of signals besides SIGRTMIN and SIGRTMIN + 1 for suspension and resumption of threads. This function should be called at most once, prior to thread_init(). This function is Posix-only. |
Suspend all threads but the calling thread for "stop the world" garbage collection runs. This function may be called multiple times, and must be followed by a matching number of calls to thread_resumeAll before processing is resumed. |
Terminates the thread module. No other thread routine may be called afterwards. |
Name | Description |
This class encapsulates all threading functionality for the D programming language. As thread manipulation is a required facility for garbage collection, all user threads should derive from this class, and instances of this class should never be explicitly deleted. A new thread may be created using either derivation or composition, as in the following example. |
Name | Type | Description |
Returns the process ID of the calling process, which is guaranteed to be unique on the system. This call is always successful. |
Sean Kelly, Walter Bright, Alex Rønne Petersen, Martin Nowak
Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)
Copyright © 1999-2025 by the D Language Foundation | Page generated by ddox.