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Module core.thread.threadbase

The threadbase module provides OS-independent code for thread storage and management.


findLowLevelThread(tid) Check whether a thread was created by createLowLevelThread.
thread_detachByAddr(addr) Deregisters the given thread from use with the runtime. If this routine is called for a thread which is not registered, the result is undefined.
thread_detachInstance(t) Deregisters the given thread from use with the runtime. If this routine is called for a thread which is not registered, the result is undefined.
thread_detachThis() Deregisters the calling thread from use with the runtime. If this routine is called for a thread which is not registered, the result is undefined.
thread_enterCriticalRegion() Signals that the code following this call is a critical region. Any code in this region must finish running before the calling thread can be suspended by a call to thread_suspendAll.
thread_exitCriticalRegion() Signals that the calling thread is no longer in a critical region. Following a call to this function, the thread can once again be suspended.
thread_findByAddr(addr) Search the list of all threads for a thread with the given thread identifier.
thread_inCriticalRegion() Returns true if the current thread is in a critical region; otherwise, false.
thread_joinAll() Joins all non-daemon threads that are currently running. This is done by performing successive scans through the thread list until a scan consists of only daemon threads.
thread_processGCMarks(isMarked) This routine allows the runtime to process any special per-thread handling for the GC. This is needed for taking into account any memory that is referenced by non-scanned pointers but is about to be freed. That currently means the array append cache.
thread_resumeAll() Resume all threads but the calling thread for "stop the world" garbage collection runs. This function must be called once for each preceding call to thread_suspendAll before the threads are actually resumed.
thread_scanAll(scan) The main entry point for garbage collection. The supplied delegate will be passed ranges representing both stack and register values.
thread_scanAllType(scan) The main entry point for garbage collection. The supplied delegate will be passed ranges representing both stack and register values.
thread_setThis(t) Sets the current thread to a specific reference. Only to be used when dealing with externally-created threads (in e.g. C code). The primary use of this function is when ThreadBase.getThis() must return a sensible value in, for example, TLS destructors. In other words, don't touch this unless you know what you're doing.
thread_stackBottom() Returns the stack bottom of the currently active stack within the calling thread.
thread_stackTop() Returns the stack top of the currently active stack within the calling thread.


ThreadError Base class for thread errors to be used for function inside GC when allocations are unavailable.
ThreadException Base class for thread exceptions.


IsMarked Indicates whether an address has been marked by the GC.
ScanType Indicates the kind of scan being performed by thread_scanAllType.


IsMarkedDg int delegate(void*) The isMarked callback function.
ScanAllThreadsFn void delegate(void*, void*) The scanning function.
ScanAllThreadsTypeFn void delegate(ScanType, void*, void*) The scanning function.


Sean Kelly, Walter Bright, Alex Rønne Petersen, Martin Nowak


Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)