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Module dmd.utils

This module defines some utility functions for DMD.




arrayCastBigEndian(data, size) Cast a ubyte[] to an array of larger integers as if we are on a big endian architecture
ensurePathToNameExists(loc, name) Ensure the root path (the path minus the name) of the provided path exists, and terminate the process if it doesn't.
escapePath(buf, fname) Takes a path, and escapes '(', ')' and backslashes
parseDigits(val, p, max) Convert string to integer.
readFile(loc, filename, buf) Reads a file, terminate the program on error
toWinPath(src) Normalize path by turning forward slashes into backslashes
writeEscapedMakePath(buf, fname) Takes a path, and make it compatible with GNU Makefile format.
writeFile(loc, filename, data) Writes a file, terminate the program on error


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0