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Struct core.time.Duration

Represents a duration of time of weeks or less (kept internally as hnsecs). (e.g. 22 days or 700 seconds).

struct Duration;

It is used when representing a duration of time - such as how long to sleep with core.thread.Thread.sleep.

In std.datetime, it is also used as the result of various arithmetic operations on time points.

Use the dur function or one of its non-generic aliases to create Durations.

It's not possible to create a Duration of months or years, because the variable number of days in a month or year makes it impossible to convert between months or years and smaller units without a specific date. So, nothing uses Durations when dealing with months or years. Rather, functions specific to months and years are defined. For instance, std.datetime.Date has add!"years" and add!"months" for adding years and months rather than creating a Duration of years or months and adding that to a std.datetime.Date. But Duration is used when dealing with weeks or smaller.


isNegative[get] boolReturns whether this Duration is negative.
max[get] DurationLargest Duration possible.
min[get] DurationMost negative Duration possible.
total[get] longReturns the total number of the given units in this Duration. So, unlike split, it does not strip out the larger units.
zero[get] DurationA Duration of 0. It's shorter than doing something like dur!"seconds"(0) and more explicit than Duration.init.


opBinary (rhs) Adds, subtracts or calculates the modulo of two durations.
opBinary (value) Multiplies or divides the duration by an integer value.
opBinary (rhs) Divides two durations.
opBinaryRight (lhs) TickDuration is Deprecated
opBinaryRight (value) Multiplies an integral value and a Duration.
opCast () TickDuration is Deprecated
opCast () Allow Duration to be used as a boolean.
opCmp (rhs) Compares this Duration with the given Duration.
opOpAssign (rhs) Adds, subtracts or calculates the modulo of two durations as well as assigning the result to this Duration.
opOpAssign (value) Multiplies/Divides the duration by an integer value as well as assigning the result to this Duration.
opUnary () Returns the negation of this Duration.
toString (sink) Converts this Duration to a string.
toString () Returns the total number of the given units in this Duration. So, unlike split, it does not strip out the larger units.


split Splits out the Duration into the given units.


import std.datetime;

assert(dur!"days"(12) == dur!"hnsecs"(10_368_000_000_000L));
assert(dur!"hnsecs"(27) == dur!"hnsecs"(27));
assert(std.datetime.Date(2010, 9, 7) + dur!"days"(5) ==
       std.datetime.Date(2010, 9, 12));

assert(days(-12) == dur!"hnsecs"(-10_368_000_000_000L));
assert(hnsecs(-27) == dur!"hnsecs"(-27));
assert(std.datetime.Date(2010, 9, 7) - std.datetime.Date(2010, 10, 3) ==


import core.time;

// using the dur template
auto numDays = dur!"days"(12);

// using the days function
numDays = days(12);

// alternatively using UFCS syntax
numDays = 12.days;

auto myTime = 100.msecs + 20_000.usecs + 30_000.hnsecs;
writeln(myTime); // 123.msecs


Jonathan M Davis and Kato Shoichi


Boost License 1.0.