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Module rt.dmain2

Contains druntime startup and shutdown routines.


_d_run_main(argc, argv, mainFunc) Sets up the D char[][] command-line args, initializes druntime, runs embedded unittests and then runs the given D main() function, optionally catching and printing any unhandled exceptions.
_d_traceContext(ptr) This function will be called when an exception is constructed. The user-supplied trace handler will be called if one has been supplied, otherwise no trace will be generated.
isRuntimeInitialized() Indicates whether druntime has been or is being initialized.
rt_getTraceHandler() Return the current trace handler
rt_init() Initialize druntime. If a C program wishes to call D code, and there's no D main(), then it must call rt_init() and rt_term().
rt_setTraceHandler(h, d) Overrides the default trace hander with a user-supplied version.
rt_term() Terminate use of druntime.


CArgs Provide out-of-band access to the original C argc/argv passed to this program via main(argc,argv).


TraceHandler object.Throwable.TraceInfo function(void*) Trace handler


Walter Bright, Sean Kelly


Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)