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Module core.time

Module containing core time functionality, such as Duration (which represents a duration of time) or MonoTime (which represents a timestamp of the system's monotonic clock).

Various functions take a string (or strings) to represent a unit of time (e.g. convert!("days", "hours")(numDays)). The valid strings to use with such functions are "years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "msecs" (milliseconds), "usecs" (microseconds), "hnsecs" (hecto-nanoseconds - i.e. 100 ns) or some subset thereof. There are a few functions that also allow "nsecs", but very little actually has precision greater than hnsecs.

Cheat Sheet
Symbol Description
Duration Represents a duration of time of weeks or less (kept internally as hnsecs). (e.g. 22 days or 700 seconds).
TickDuration DEPRECATED Represents a duration of time in system clock ticks, using the highest precision that the system provides.
MonoTime Represents a monotonic timestamp in system clock ticks, using the highest precision that the system provides.
convert Generic way of converting between two time units.
dur Allows constructing a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
weeks days hours
minutes seconds msecs
usecs hnsecs nsecs
Convenience aliases for dur.
abs Returns the absolute value of a duration.

From Duration From TickDuration From units
To Duration -!Duration() dur!"msecs"(5) or 5.msecs()
To TickDuration!TickDuration() - TickDuration.from!"msecs"(msecs)
To units!"days" tickDuration.msecs convert!("days", "msecs")(msecs)


abs(duration) Returns the absolute value of a duration.
convClockFreq(ticks, srcTicksPerSecond, dstTicksPerSecond) Converts the given time from one clock frequency/resolution to another.
convert(value) Generic way of converting between two time units. Conversions to smaller units use truncating division. Years and months can be converted to each other, small units can be converted to each other, but years and months cannot be converted to or from smaller units (due to the varying number of days in a month or year).
dur(length) These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
nsecsToTicks(ticks) The reverse of ticksToNSecs.
ticksToNSecs(ticks) Convenience wrapper around convClockFreq which converts ticks at a clock frequency of MonoTime.ticksPerSecond to nanoseconds.
to(td) TickDuration is DEPRECATED


TimeException Exception type used by core.time.


Duration Represents a duration of time of weeks or less (kept internally as hnsecs). (e.g. 22 days or 700 seconds).
MonoTimeImpl Represents a timestamp of the system's monotonic clock.
TickDuration Warning: TickDuration is deprecated. Please use MonoTime for the cases where a monotonic timestamp is needed and Duration when a duration is needed, rather than using TickDuration.


ClockType What type of clock to use with MonoTime / MonoTimeImpl or std.datetime.Clock.currTime. They default to ClockType.normal, and most programs do not need to ever deal with the others.


days dur!"days" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
hnsecs dur!"hnsecs" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
hours dur!"hours" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
minutes dur!"minutes" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
MonoTime MonoTimeImpl!(0) alias for MonoTimeImpl instantiated with ClockType.normal. This is what most programs should use. It's also what much of MonoTimeImpl uses in its documentation (particularly in the examples), because that's what's going to be used in most code.
msecs dur!"msecs" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
nsecs dur!"nsecs" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
seconds dur!"seconds" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
usecs dur!"usecs" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.
weeks dur!"weeks" These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.


Jonathan M Davis and Kato Shoichi


Boost License 1.0.