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Module dmd.typesem

Semantic analysis for D types.




addMod(type, mod) Add MODxxxx bits to existing type. We're adding, not replacing, so adding const to a shared type => "shared const"
addStorageClass(type, stc) Add storage class modifiers to type.
callMatch(tf, tthis, argumentList, flag, errorHelper, sc) 'args' are being matched to function type 'tf' Determine match level.
castMod(type, mod) Apply MODxxxx bits to existing type.
checkComplexTransition(type, loc, sc)
constOf(type) Convert to 'const'.
covariant(src, t, pstc, cppCovariant) Covariant means that 'src' can substitute for 't', i.e. a pure function is a match for an impure type.
defaultInit(mt, loc, isCfile) Get the default initialization expression for a type.
dotExp(mt, sc, e, ident, flag) Access the members of the object e. This type is same as e.type.
getComplexLibraryType(loc, sc, ty) Extract complex type from core.stdc.config
getIndirection(t) Returns an indirect type one step from t.
getProperty(t, scope_, loc, ident, flag, src) Calculate built-in properties which just the type is necessary.
hasPointers(t) Return !=0 if type has pointers that need to be scanned by the GC during a collection cycle.
immutableOf(type) Convert to 'immutable'.
isCopyable(t) Determine if type t is copyable.
isRecursiveAliasThis(att, t) Check and set 'att' if 't' is a recursive 'alias this' type
merge(type) If an identical type to type is in type.stringtable, return the latter one. Otherwise, add it to type.stringtable. Some types don't get merged and are returned as-is.
merge2(type) This version does a merge even if the deco is already computed. Necessary for types that have a deco, but are not merged.
mutabilityOfType(isref, t) Determine mutability of indirections in (ref) t.
mutableOf(type) Make type mutable.
parameterStorageClass(tf, tthis, p, outerVars, indirect) Take the specified storage class for p, and use the function signature to infer whether STC.scope_ and STC.return_ should be OR'd in. (This will not affect the name mangling.)
purityLevel(typeFunction) Set 'purity' field of 'typeFunction'. Do this lazily, as the parameter types might be forward referenced.
resolve(mt, loc, sc, pe, pt, ps, intypeid) Resolve type 'mt' to either type, symbol, or expression. If errors happened, resolved to Type.terror.
toHeadMutable(t) Return type with the top level of it being mutable.
typeSemantic(type, loc, sc) Perform semantic analysis on a type.
typeToExpression(t) We've mistakenly parsed t as a type. Redo t as an Expression only if there are no type modifiers.
unSharedOf(type) Make type unshared. 0 => 0 const => const immutable => immutable shared => 0 shared const => const wild => wild wild const => wild const shared wild => wild shared wild const => wild const
wildOf(type) Convert to 'wild'.


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0