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Module dmd.typesem
Semantic analysis for D types.
Name | Description |
addMod(type, mod)
Add MODxxxx bits to existing type. We're adding, not replacing, so adding const to a shared type => "shared const" |
addStorageClass(type, stc)
Add storage class modifiers to type. |
callMatch(tf, tthis, argumentList, flag, errorHelper, sc)
'args' are being matched to function type 'tf' Determine match level. |
castMod(type, mod)
Apply MODxxxx bits to existing type. |
checkComplexTransition(type, loc, sc)
Convert to 'const'. |
covariant(src, t, pstc, cppCovariant)
Covariant means that 'src' can substitute for 't', i.e. a pure function is a match for an impure type. |
defaultInit(mt, loc, isCfile)
Get the default initialization expression for a type. |
dotExp(mt, sc, e, ident, flag)
Access the members of the object e. This type is same as e.type. |
getComplexLibraryType(loc, sc, ty)
Extract complex type from core.stdc.config |
Returns an indirect type one step from t. |
getProperty(t, scope_, loc, ident, flag, src)
Calculate built-in properties which just the type is necessary. |
Return !=0 if type has pointers that need to be scanned by the GC during a collection cycle. |
Convert to 'immutable'. |
Determine if type t is copyable. |
isRecursiveAliasThis(att, t)
Check and set 'att' if 't' is a recursive 'alias this' type |
If an identical type to type is in type , return
the latter one. Otherwise, add it to type .
Some types don't get merged and are returned as-is.
This version does a merge even if the deco is already computed. Necessary for types that have a deco, but are not merged. |
mutabilityOfType(isref, t)
Determine mutability of indirections in (ref) t. |
Make type mutable. |
parameterStorageClass(tf, tthis, p, outerVars, indirect)
Take the specified storage class for p, and use the function signature to infer whether STC.scope_ and STC.return_ should be OR'd in. (This will not affect the name mangling.) |
Set 'purity' field of 'typeFunction'. Do this lazily, as the parameter types might be forward referenced. |
resolve(mt, loc, sc, pe, pt, ps, intypeid)
Resolve type 'mt' to either type, symbol, or expression. If errors happened, resolved to Type.terror. |
Return type with the top level of it being mutable. |
typeSemantic(type, loc, sc)
Perform semantic analysis on a type. |
We've mistakenly parsed t as a type.
Redo t as an Expression only if there are no type modifiers.
Make type unshared. 0 => 0 const => const immutable => immutable shared => 0 shared const => const wild => wild wild const => wild const shared wild => wild shared wild const => wild const |
Convert to 'wild'. |
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