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Enum etc.c.curl.CurlError

All possible error codes from all sorts of curl functions. Future versions may return other values, stay prepared.

enum CurlError : int { ... }

Always add new return codes last. Never *EVER* remove any. The return codes must remain the same!

Enum members

aborted_by_callback 42
again 81 - socket is not ready for send/recv, wait till it's ready and try again (Added in 7.18.2)
bad_content_encoding 61 - Unrecognized transfer encoding
bad_download_resume 36 - couldn't resume download
bad_function_argument 43
chunk_failed 88 - chunk callback reported error
conv_failed 75 - conversion failed
conv_reqd 76 - caller must register conversion callbacks using curl_easy_setopt options CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTION, CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTION, and CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTION
couldnt_connect 7
couldnt_resolve_host 6
couldnt_resolve_proxy 5
curl_last never use!
failed_init 2
file_couldnt_read_file 37
filesize_exceeded 63 - Maximum file size exceeded
ftp_bad_file_list 87 - unable to parse FTP file list
ftp_cant_get_host 15
ftp_couldnt_retr_file 19
ftp_couldnt_set_type 17
ftp_couldnt_use_rest 31 - the REST command failed
ftp_port_failed 30 - FTP PORT operation failed
ftp_pret_failed 84 - a PRET command failed
ftp_weird_227_format 14
ftp_weird_pass_reply 11
ftp_weird_pasv_reply 13
ftp_weird_server_reply 8
function_not_found 41
got_nothing 52 - when this is a specific error
http_post_error 34
http_returned_error 22
interface_failed 45 - CURLOPT_INTERFACE failed
ldap_cannot_bind 38
ldap_invalid_url 62 - Invalid LDAP URL
ldap_search_failed 39
login_denied 67 - user, password or similar was not accepted and we failed to login
not_built_in 4 - [was obsoleted in August 2007 for 7.17.0, reused in April 2011 for 7.21.5]
obsolete10 10 - NOT USED
obsolete12 12 - NOT USED
obsolete16 16 - NOT USED
obsolete20 20 - NOT USED
obsolete24 24 - NOT USED
obsolete29 29 - NOT USED
obsolete32 32 - NOT USED
obsolete40 40 - NOT USED
obsolete44 44 - NOT USED
obsolete46 46 - NOT USED
obsolete50 50 - NOT USED
obsolete57 57 - NOT IN USE


CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY may sometimes indicate a conversion error instead of a memory allocation error if CURL_DOES_CONVERSIONS is defined

28 - the timeout time was reached

out_of_memory 27
partial_file 18
peer_failed_verification 51 - peer's certificate or fingerprint wasn't verified fine
quote_error 21 - quote command failure
range_error 33 - RANGE "command" didn't work
read_error 26 - couldn't open/read from file
recv_error 56 - failure in receiving network data
remote_access_denied 9 a service was denied by the server due to lack of access - when login fails this is not returned.
remote_disk_full 70 - out of disk space on server
remote_file_exists 73 - File already exists
remote_file_not_found 78 - remote file not found
rtsp_cseq_error 85 - mismatch of RTSP CSeq numbers
rtsp_session_error 86 - mismatch of RTSP Session Identifiers
send_error 55 - failed sending network data
send_fail_rewind 65 - Sending the data requires a rewind that failed
ssh 79 - error from the SSH layer, somewhat generic so the error message will be of interest when this has happened
ssl_cacert 60 - problem with the CA cert (path?)
ssl_cacert_badfile 77 - could not load CACERT file, missing or wrong format
ssl_certproblem 58 - problem with the local certificate
ssl_cipher 59 - couldn't use specified cipher
ssl_connect_error 35 - wrong when connecting with SSL
ssl_crl_badfile 82 - could not load CRL file, missing or wrong format (Added in 7.19.0)
ssl_engine_initfailed 66 - failed to initialise ENGINE
ssl_engine_notfound 53 - SSL crypto engine not found
ssl_engine_setfailed 54 - can not set SSL crypto engine as default
ssl_issuer_error 83 - Issuer check failed. (Added in 7.19.0)
ssl_shutdown_failed 80 - Failed to shut down the SSL connection
telnet_option_syntax 49 - Malformed telnet option
tftp_illegal 71 - Illegal TFTP operation
tftp_nosuchuser 74 - No such user
tftp_notfound 68 - file not found on server
tftp_perm 69 - permission problem on server
tftp_unknownid 72 - Unknown transfer ID
too_many_redirects 47 - catch endless re-direct loops
unknown_option 48 - User specified an unknown option
unsupported_protocol 1
upload_failed 25 - failed upload "command"
url_malformat 3
use_ssl_failed 64 - Requested FTP SSL level failed
write_error 23

