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Represents a date in the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar ranging from 32,768 B.C. to 32,767 A.D. Positive years are A.D. Non-positive years are B.C.

struct Date;

Year, month, and day are kept separately internally so that Date is optimized for calendar-based operations.

Date uses the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar, so it assumes the Gregorian leap year calculations for its entire length. As per ISO 8601, it treats 1 B.C. as year 0, i.e. 1 B.C. is 0, 2 B.C. is -1, etc. Use yearBC to use B.C. as a positive integer with 1 B.C. being the year prior to 1 A.D.

Year 0 is a leap year.


this (year, month, day)
this (day)


day[get] ubyteDay of a Gregorian Month.
day[set] intDay of a Gregorian Month.
dayOfGregorianCal[get] intThe Xth day of the Gregorian Calendar that this Date is on.
dayOfGregorianCal[set] intThe Xth day of the Gregorian Calendar that this Date is on.
dayOfWeek[get] DayOfWeekDay of the week this Date is on.
dayOfYear[get] ushortDay of the year this Date is on.
dayOfYear[set] intDay of the year.
daysInMonth[get] ubyteThe last day in the month that this Date is in.
endOfMonth[get] DateDate for the last day in the month that this Date is in.
isAD[get] boolWhether the current year is a date in A.D.
isLeapYear[get] boolWhether this Date is in a leap year.
isoWeek[get] ubyteThe ISO 8601 week of the year that this Date is in.
isoWeekYear[get] shortThe year inside the ISO 8601 week calendar that this Date is in.
julianDay[get] longThe Julian day for this Date at noon (since the Julian day changes at noon).
max[get] DateReturns the Date farthest in the future which is representable by Date.
min[get] DateReturns the Date farthest in the past which is representable by Date.
modJulianDay[get] longThe modified Julian day for any time on this date (since, the modified Julian day changes at midnight).
month[get] MonthMonth of a Gregorian Year.
month[set] MonthMonth of a Gregorian Year.
year[get] shortYear of the Gregorian Calendar. Positive numbers are A.D. Non-positive are B.C.
year[set] intYear of the Gregorian Calendar. Positive numbers are A.D. Non-positive are B.C.
yearBC[get] ushortYear B.C. of the Gregorian Calendar counting year 0 as 1 B.C.
yearBC[set] intYear B.C. of the Gregorian Calendar counting year 0 as 1 B.C.


add (value, allowOverflow) Adds the given number of years or months to this Date, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.
diffMonths (rhs) Returns the difference between the two Dates in months.
fromISOExtString (isoExtString) Creates a Date from a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.
fromISOString (isoString) Creates a Date from a string with the format YYYYMMDD. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.
fromSimpleString (simpleString) Creates a Date from a string with the format YYYY-Mon-DD. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.
isoWeekAndYear () The ISO 8601 week and year of the year that this Date is in.
opBinary (duration) Gives the result of adding or subtracting a Duration from
opBinary (rhs) Gives the difference between two Dates.
opCmp (rhs) Compares this Date with the given Date.
opOpAssign (duration) Gives the result of adding or subtracting a Duration from this Date, as well as assigning the result to this Date.
roll (value, allowOverflow) Adds the given number of years or months to this Date, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.
roll (days) Adds the given number of units to this Date, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.
toISOExtString () Converts this Date to a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD. If writer is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.
toISOString () Converts this Date to a string with the format YYYYMMDD. If writer is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.
toSimpleString () Converts this Date to a string with the format YYYY-Mon-DD. If writer is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.
toString () Converts this Date to a string.


import core.time : days;

auto d = Date(2000, 6, 1);

writeln(d.dayOfYear); // 153
writeln(d.dayOfWeek); // DayOfWeek.thu

d += 10.days;
writeln(d); // Date(2000, 6, 11)

writeln(d.toISOExtString()); // "2000-06-11"
writeln(d.toISOString()); // "20000611"
writeln(d.toSimpleString()); // "2000-Jun-11"

writeln(Date.fromISOExtString("2018-01-01")); // Date(2018, 1, 1)
writeln(Date.fromISOString("20180101")); // Date(2018, 1, 1)
writeln(Date.fromSimpleString("2018-Jan-01")); // Date(2018, 1, 1)


Jonathan M Davis


Boost License 1.0.