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Module std.logger.core


globalLogLevel() These methods get and set the global LogLevel.
isLoggingEnabled(ll, loggerLL, globalLL, condition) This functions is used at runtime to determine if a LogLevel is active. The same previously defined version statements are used to disable certain levels. Again the version statements are associated with a compile unit and can therefore not disable logging in other compile units. pure bool isLoggingEnabled()(LogLevel ll) @safe nothrow @nogc
log(ll, condition, args) This function logs data.
log(ll, args) This function logs data.
log(condition, args) This function logs data.
log(args) This function logs data.
logf(ll, condition, msg, args) This function logs data in a printf-style manner.
logf(ll, msg, args) This function logs data in a printf-style manner.
logf(condition, msg, args) This function logs data in a printf-style manner.
logf(msg, args) This function logs data in a printf-style manner.
sharedLog() This property sets and gets the default Logger. Unless set to another logger by the user, the default logger's log level is
stdThreadLocalLog() This function returns a thread unique Logger, that by default propagates all data logged to it to the sharedLog.


Logger This class is the base of every logger. In order to create a new kind of logger a deriving class needs to implement the writeLogMsg method. By default this is not thread-safe.
StdForwardLogger The StdForwardLogger will always forward anything to the sharedLog.


LogLevel There are eight usable logging level. These level are all, trace, info, warning, error, critical, fatal, and off. If a log function with LogLevel.fatal is called the shutdown handler of that logger is called.


defaultLogFunction This template provides the global log functions with the LogLevel is encoded in the function name.
defaultLogFunctionf This template provides the global printf-style log functions with the LogLevel is encoded in the function name.


critical defaultLogFunction!(LogLevel.critical) This function logs data to the stdThreadLocalLog, optionally depending on a condition.
criticalf defaultLogFunctionf!(LogLevel.critical) This function logs data to the sharedLog in a printf-style manner.
error defaultLogFunction!(LogLevel.error) This function logs data to the stdThreadLocalLog, optionally depending on a condition.
errorf defaultLogFunctionf!(LogLevel.error) This function logs data to the sharedLog in a printf-style manner.
fatal defaultLogFunction!(LogLevel.fatal) This function logs data to the stdThreadLocalLog, optionally depending on a condition.
fatalf defaultLogFunctionf!(LogLevel.fatal) This function logs data to the sharedLog in a printf-style manner.
info defaultLogFunction!( This function logs data to the stdThreadLocalLog, optionally depending on a condition.
infof defaultLogFunctionf!( This function logs data to the sharedLog in a printf-style manner.
trace defaultLogFunction!(LogLevel.trace) This function logs data to the stdThreadLocalLog, optionally depending on a condition.
tracef defaultLogFunctionf!(LogLevel.trace) This function logs data to the sharedLog in a printf-style manner.
warning defaultLogFunction!(LogLevel.warning) This function logs data to the stdThreadLocalLog, optionally depending on a condition.
warningf defaultLogFunctionf!(LogLevel.warning) This function logs data to the sharedLog in a printf-style manner.

