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Function std.process.waitTimeout

Waits until either the process associated with pid terminates or the elapsed time exceeds the given timeout.

Tuple!(bool,"terminated",int,"status") waitTimeout(
  Pid pid,
  Duration timeout
) @safe;

If the process terminates within the given duration it behaves exactly like wait, except that it returns a tuple (true, exit code).

If the process does not terminate within the given duration it will stop waiting and return (false, 0).

The timeout may not exceed (uint.max - 1).msecs (~ 7 weeks, 17 hours).

This function is Windows-Only.


An Tuple!(bool, "terminated", int, "status").


ProcessException on failure or on attempt to wait for detached process.


See the spawnProcess documentation.

See also

wait, for a blocking function without timeout. tryWait, for a non-blocking function without timeout.


Lars Tandle Kyllingstad, Steven Schveighoffer, Vladimir Panteleev


Boost License 1.0.