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std.typecons.Tuple/tuple - multiple declarations

Struct Tuple

Tuple of values, for example Tuple!(int, string) is a record that stores an int and a string. Tuple can be used to bundle values together, notably when returning multiple values from a function. If obj is a Tuple, the individual members are accessible with the syntax obj[0] for the first field, obj[1] for the second, and so on.

struct Tuple(Specs...)
if (distinctFieldNames!Specs);


this (values) Constructor taking one value for each field.
this (values) Constructor taking a compatible array.
this (another) Constructor taking a compatible Tuple. Two Tuples are compatible iff they are both of the same length, and, for each type T on the left-hand side, the corresponding type U on the right-hand side can implicitly convert to T.


expand Tuple.TypesUse t.expand for a Tuple t to expand it into its components. The result of expand acts as if the Tuple's components were listed as a list of values. (Ordinarily, a Tuple acts as a single value.)


slice[get] inout(Tuple!(sliceSpecs!(from,to)))Takes a slice by-reference of this Tuple.


opAssign (rhs) Assignment from another Tuple.
opBinary (t) Concatenate Tuples. Tuple concatenation is only allowed if all named fields are distinct (no named field of this tuple occurs in t and no named field of t occurs in this tuple).
opBinaryRight (t) Concatenate Tuples. Tuple concatenation is only allowed if all named fields are distinct (no named field of this tuple occurs in t and no named field of t occurs in this tuple).
opCmp (rhs) Comparison for ordering.
opEquals (rhs) Comparison for equality. Two Tuples are considered equal iff they fulfill the following criteria:
rename () Renames the elements of a Tuple.
rename () Overload of rename that takes an associative array translate as a template parameter, where the keys are either the names or indices of the members to be changed and the new names are the corresponding values. Every key in translate must be the name of a member of the tuple. The same rules for empty strings apply as for the variadic template overload of rename.
toHash () Creates a hash of this Tuple.
toString () Converts to string.
toString (sink) Formats Tuple with either %s, %(inner%) or %(inner%|sep%).


fieldNames The names of the Tuple's components. Unnamed fields have empty names.
Types The types of the Tuple's components.

See Also



Specs A list of types (and optionally, member names) that the Tuple contains.


Tuple!(int, int) point;
// assign coordinates
point[0] = 5;
point[1] = 6;
// read coordinates
auto x = point[0];
auto y = point[1];


Tuple members can be named. It is legal to mix named and unnamed members. The method above is still applicable to all fields.

alias Entry = Tuple!(int, "index", string, "value");
Entry e;
e.index = 4;
e.value = "Hello";
writeln(e[1]); // "Hello"
writeln(e[0]); // 4


A Tuple with named fields is a distinct type from a Tuple with unnamed fields, i.e. each naming imparts a separate type for the Tuple. Two Tuples differing in naming only are still distinct, even though they might have the same structure.

Tuple!(int, "x", int, "y") point1;
Tuple!(int, int) point2;
assert(!is(typeof(point1) == typeof(point2)));


Use tuples as ranges

import std.algorithm.iteration : sum;
import std.range : only;
auto t = tuple(1, 2);
writeln(t.expand.only.sum); // 3


Concatenate tuples

import std.meta : AliasSeq;
auto t = tuple(1, "2") ~ tuple(ushort(42), true);
static assert(is(t.Types == AliasSeq!(int, string, ushort, bool)));
writeln(t[1]); // "2"
writeln(t[2]); // 42
writeln(t[3]); // true

Template tuple

Constructs a Tuple object instantiated and initialized according to the given arguments.

template tuple(Names...);

Contained Functions



Names An optional list of strings naming each successive field of the Tuple or a list of types that the elements are being casted to. For a list of names, each name matches up with the corresponding field given by Args. A name does not have to be provided for every field, but as the names must proceed in order, it is not possible to skip one field and name the next after it. For a list of types, there must be exactly as many types as parameters.


auto value = tuple(5, 6.7, "hello");
writeln(value[0]); // 5
writeln(value[1]); // 6.7
writeln(value[2]); // "hello"

// Field names can be provided.
auto entry = tuple!("index", "value")(4, "Hello");
writeln(entry.index); // 4
writeln(entry.value); // "Hello"


Andrei Alexandrescu, Bartosz Milewski, Don Clugston, Shin Fujishiro, Kenji Hara


Boost License 1.0.