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- multiple declarations
Function checked
Convenience function that turns an integral into the corresponding Checked
instance by using template argument deduction. The hook type may be specified
(by default Abort
Name | Description |
Hook | type that customizes the behavior, by default Abort |
T | type represetinfg the underlying represantion of the Checked instance |
value | the actual value of the representation |
A Checked
instance customized by the provided Hook
and value
static assert(is(typeof(checked(42)) == Checked!int));
writeln(checked(42)); // Checked!int(42)
static assert(is(typeof(checked!WithNaN(42)) == Checked!(int, WithNaN)));
writeln(checked!WithNaN(42)); // Checked!(int, WithNaN)(42)
Struct Checked
Checked integral type wraps an integral T
and customizes its behavior with the
help of a Hook
type. The type wrapped must be one of the predefined integrals
(unqualified), or another instance of Checked
struct Checked(T, Hook)
if (isIntegral!T || is(T == Checked!(U, H), U, H));
Name | Description |
Constructor taking a value properly convertible to the underlying type. U
may be either an integral that can be converted to T without a loss, or
another Checked instance whose representation may be in turn converted to
T without a loss.
Construct from a decimal string. The conversion follows the same rules as
to converting a string to the wrapped T type.
Name | Type | Description |
Hook | hook is a member variable if it has state, or an alias for Hook
Name | Description |
Assignment operator. Has the same constraints as the constructor. |
Defines binary operators + , - , * , / , % , ^^ , & , | , ^ , << , >> ,
and >>> . If Hook defines hookOpBinary , opBinary forwards to Checked!(typeof(hook .
Defines binary operators + , - , * , / , % , ^^ , & , | , ^ , << ,
>> , and >>> for the case when a built-in numeric or Boolean type is on
the left-hand side, and a Checked instance is on the right-hand side.
Casting operator to integral, bool , or floating point type.
Compares this against rhs for ordering. If Hook defines hookOpCmp ,
the function forwards to hook . Otherwise, the
result of the built-in comparison operation is returned.
Compares this against rhs for equality.
Defines operators += , -= , *= , /= , %= , ^^= , &= , |= , ^= ,
<<= , >>= , and >>>= .
Defines unary operators + , - , ~ , ++ , and -- . Unary + is not
overridable and always has built-in behavior (returns this ). For the
others, if Hook defines hookOpUnary , opUnary forwards to Checked!(typeof(hook .
Generates a hash for this . If Hook defines hookToHash , the call
immediately returns hook . If Hook does not
implement hookToHash , but it has state, a hash will be generated for
the Hook using the built-in function and it will be xored with the
hash of the payload .
(sink, fmt)
Writes a string representation of this to a sink .
Name | Description |
The type of the integral subject to checking. |
Name | Description |
T | type that is wrapped in the Checked type |
Hook | hook type that customizes the behavior of the Checked type |
// Hook that ignores all problems.
static struct Ignore
@nogc nothrow pure @safe static:
Dst onBadCast(Dst, Src)(Src src) { return cast(Dst) src; }
Lhs onLowerBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound) { return cast(T) rhs; }
T onUpperBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound) { return cast(T) rhs; }
bool hookOpEquals(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }
int hookOpCmp(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs) { return (lhs > rhs) - (lhs < rhs); }
typeof(~Lhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs)(ref Lhs lhs) { return mixin(x ~ "lhs"); }
typeof(Lhs() + Rhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
static if (x == "/")
return typeof(lhs / rhs) .min;
return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
auto x = Checked!(int, Ignore)(5) + 7;
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