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Struct std.checkedint.WithNaN
Hook that reserves a special value as a "Not a Number" representative. For
signed integrals, the reserved value is T
. For signed integrals, the
reserved value is T
struct WithNaN
The default value of a Checked!(X, WithNaN)
is its NaN value, so care must
be taken that all variables are explicitly initialized. Any arithmetic and logic
operation involving at least on NaN becomes NaN itself. All of a == b
, a < b
, a > b
, a <= b
, a >= b
yield false
if at least one of
and b
is NaN.
Name | Description |
(lhs, rhs)
Defines hooks for binary operators + , - , * , / , % , ^^ , & , | ,
^ , << , >> , and >>> for cases where a Checked object is the
left-hand side operand. If lhs == WithNaN , returns
WithNaN without evaluating the
operand. Otherwise, evaluates the operand. If evaluation does not overflow,
returns the result. Otherwise, returns WithNaN .
(lhs, rhs)
Defines hooks for binary operators + , - , * , / , % , ^^ , & , | ,
^ , << , >> , and >>> for cases where a Checked object is the
right-hand side operand. If rhs == WithNaN , returns
WithNaN without evaluating the
operand. Otherwise, evaluates the operand. If evaluation does not overflow,
returns the result. Otherwise, returns WithNaN .
If rhs is WithNaN , returns
WithNaN . Otherwise, returns cast(Lhs) rhs .
(lhs, rhs)
If lhs == WithNaN , returns double . Otherwise,
has the same semantics as the default comparison.
(lhs, rhs)
Returns false if lhs == WithNaN , lhs == rhs
(lhs, rhs)
Defines hooks for binary operators += , -= , *= , /= , %= , ^^= ,
&= , |= , ^= , <<= , >>= , and >>>= for cases where a Checked
object is the left-hand side operand. If lhs ==
WithNaN , no action is carried. Otherwise, evaluates the
operand. If evaluation does not overflow and fits in Lhs without loss of
information or change of sign, sets lhs to the result. Otherwise, sets
lhs to WithNaN .
Defines hooks for unary operators - , ~ , ++ , and -- .
auto x1 = Checked!(int, WithNaN)();
assert(x1 .isNaN);
writeln(x1 .get); // int.min
assert(x1 != x1);
assert(!(x1 < x1));
assert(!(x1 > x1));
assert(!(x1 == x1));
assert(x1 .isNaN);
writeln(x1 .get); // int.min
assert(x1 .isNaN);
writeln(x1 .get); // int.min
x1 = 42;
assert(!x1 .isNaN);
writeln(x1); // x1
assert(x1 <= x1);
assert(x1 >= x1);
static assert(x1 .min == int .min + 1);
x1 += long(int .max);
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