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Alias core.time.usecs

These allow you to construct a Duration from the given time units with the given length.

alias usecs = dur!"usecs";

You can either use the generic function dur and give it the units as a string or use the named aliases.

The possible values for units are "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "msecs" (milliseconds), "usecs", (microseconds), "hnsecs" (hecto-nanoseconds, i.e. 100 ns), and "nsecs".


units The time units of the Duration (e.g. "days").
length The number of units in the Duration.


// Generic
writeln(dur!"weeks"(142).total!"weeks"); // 142
writeln(dur!"days"(142).total!"days"); // 142
writeln(dur!"hours"(142).total!"hours"); // 142
writeln(dur!"minutes"(142).total!"minutes"); // 142
writeln(dur!"seconds"(142).total!"seconds"); // 142
writeln(dur!"msecs"(142).total!"msecs"); // 142
writeln(dur!"usecs"(142).total!"usecs"); // 142
writeln(dur!"hnsecs"(142).total!"hnsecs"); // 142
writeln(dur!"nsecs"(142).total!"nsecs"); // 100

// Non-generic
writeln(weeks(142).total!"weeks"); // 142
writeln(days(142).total!"days"); // 142
writeln(hours(142).total!"hours"); // 142
writeln(minutes(142).total!"minutes"); // 142
writeln(seconds(142).total!"seconds"); // 142
writeln(msecs(142).total!"msecs"); // 142
writeln(usecs(142).total!"usecs"); // 142
writeln(hnsecs(142).total!"hnsecs"); // 142
writeln(nsecs(142).total!"nsecs"); // 100


Jonathan M Davis and Kato Shoichi


Boost License 1.0.