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std.typecons.Tuple.toString - multiple declarations

Function Tuple.toString

Converts to string.

string toString() const;


The string representation of this Tuple.

Function Tuple.toString

Formats Tuple with either %s, %(inner%) or %(inner%|sep%).

void toString(DG)(
  scope DG sink
) const;

void toString(DG, Char)(
  scope DG sink,
  scope const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt
) const;

Formats supported by Tuple


Format like Tuple!(types)(elements formatted with %s each).


The format inner is applied the expanded Tuple

so it may contain as many formats as the Tuple has fields.


The format inner is one format

that is applied on all fields of the Tuple. The inner format must be compatible to all of them.


sink A char accepting delegate
fmt A std.format.FormatSpec


import std.format : format;

Tuple!(int, double)[3] tupList = [ tuple(1, 1.0), tuple(2, 4.0), tuple(3, 9.0) ];

// Default format
writeln(format("%s", tuple("a", 1))); // `Tuple!(string, int)("a", 1)`

// One Format for each individual component
writeln(format("%(%#x v %.4f w %#x%)", tuple(1, 1.0, 10))); // `0x1 v 1.0000 w 0xa`
writeln(format("%#x v %.4f w %#x", tuple(1, 1.0, 10).expand)); // `0x1 v 1.0000 w 0xa`

// One Format for all components
// `>abc< & >1< & >2.3< & >[4, 5]<`
writeln(format("%(>%s<%| & %)", tuple("abc", 1, 2.3, [4, 5])));

// Array of Tuples
writeln(format("%(%(f(%d) = %.1f%);  %)", tupList)); // `f(1) = 1.0;  f(2) = 4.0;  f(3) = 9.0`


import std.exception : assertThrown;
import std.format : format, FormatException;

// Error: %( %) missing.
    format("%d, %f", tuple(1, 2.0)) == `1, 2.0`

// Error: %( %| %) missing.
    format("%d", tuple(1, 2)) == `1, 2`

// Error: %d inadequate for double
    format("%(%d%|, %)", tuple(1, 2.0)) == `1, 2.0`


Andrei Alexandrescu, Bartosz Milewski, Don Clugston, Shin Fujishiro, Kenji Hara


Boost License 1.0.