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std.random.uniform - multiple declarations

Function uniform

Generates a number between a and b. The boundaries parameter controls the shape of the interval (open vs. closed on either side). Valid values for boundaries are "[]", "(]", "[)", and "()". The default interval is closed to the left and open to the right. The version that does not take urng uses the default generator rndGen.

auto uniform(string boundaries = "[)", T1, T2)(
  T1 a,
  T2 b
if (!is(CommonType!(T1, T2) == void));

auto uniform(string boundaries = "[)", T1, T2, UniformRandomNumberGenerator)(
  T1 a,
  T2 b,
  ref UniformRandomNumberGenerator urng
if (isFloatingPoint!(CommonType!(T1, T2)) && isUniformRNG!UniformRandomNumberGenerator);


a lower bound of the uniform distribution
b upper bound of the uniform distribution
urng (optional) random number generator to use; if not specified, defaults to rndGen


A single random variate drawn from the uniform distribution between a and b, whose type is the common type of these parameters


auto rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed);

// Generate an integer in [0, 1023]
auto a = uniform(0, 1024, rnd);
assert(0 <= a && a < 1024);

// Generate a float in [0, 1)
auto b = uniform(0.0f, 1.0f, rnd);
assert(0 <= b && b < 1);

// Generate a float in [0, 1]
b = uniform!"[]"(0.0f, 1.0f, rnd);
assert(0 <= b && b <= 1);

// Generate a float in (0, 1)
b = uniform!"()"(0.0f, 1.0f, rnd);
assert(0 < b && b < 1);


Create an array of random numbers using range functions and UFCS

import std.array : array;
import std.range : generate, takeExactly;

int[] arr = generate!(() => uniform(0, 100)).takeExactly(10).array;
writeln(arr.length); // 10
assert(arr[0] >= 0 && arr[0] < 100);

Function uniform

Generates a uniformly-distributed number in the range [T.min, T.max] for any integral or character type T. If no random number generator is passed, uses the default rndGen.

auto uniform(T, UniformRandomNumberGenerator)(
  ref UniformRandomNumberGenerator urng
if (!is(T == enum) && (isIntegral!T || isSomeChar!T) && isUniformRNG!UniformRandomNumberGenerator);

auto uniform(T)()
if (!is(T == enum) && (isIntegral!T || isSomeChar!T));

auto uniform(E, UniformRandomNumberGenerator)(
  ref UniformRandomNumberGenerator urng
if (is(E == enum) && isUniformRNG!UniformRandomNumberGenerator);

auto uniform(E)()
if (is(E == enum));

If an enum is used as type, the random variate is drawn with equal probability from any of the possible values of the enum E.


urng (optional) random number generator to use; if not specified, defaults to rndGen


Random variate drawn from the uniform distribution across all possible values of the integral, character or enum type T.


auto rnd = MinstdRand0(42);

writeln(rnd.uniform!ubyte); // 102
writeln(rnd.uniform!ulong); // 4838462006927449017

enum Fruit { apple, mango, pear }
version (D_LP64) //
writeln(rnd.uniform!Fruit); //


Andrei Alexandrescu Masahiro Nakagawa (Xorshift random generator) Joseph Rushton Wakeling (Algorithm D for random sampling) Ilya Yaroshenko (Mersenne Twister implementation, adapted from mir-random)


Boost License 1.0.