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Alias std.random.Mt19937

A MersenneTwisterEngine instantiated with the parameters of the original engine MT19937, generating uniformly-distributed 32-bit numbers with a period of 2 to the power of 19937. Recommended for random number generation unless memory is severely restricted, in which case a LinearCongruentialEngine would be the generator of choice.

alias Mt19937 = MersenneTwisterEngine!(uint,32L,624L,397L,31L,2567483615,11L,4294967295,7L,2636928640,15L,4022730752,18L,1812433253);


// seed with a constant
Mt19937 gen;
auto n = gen.front; // same for each run
writeln(n); // 3499211612

// Seed with an unpredictable value
n = gen.front; // different across runs


Andrei Alexandrescu Masahiro Nakagawa (Xorshift random generator) Joseph Rushton Wakeling (Algorithm D for random sampling) Ilya Yaroshenko (Mersenne Twister implementation, adapted from mir-random)


Boost License 1.0.