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Function std.path.setExtension

Sets or replaces an extension.

immutable(C1)[] setExtension(C1, C2)(
  in C1[] path,
  in C2[] ext
if (isSomeChar!C1 && !is(C1 == immutable) && is(immutable(C1) == immutable(C2)));

immutable(C1)[] setExtension(C1, C2)(
  immutable(C1)[] path,
  const(C2)[] ext
if (isSomeChar!C1 && is(immutable(C1) == immutable(C2)));

If the filename already has an extension, it is replaced. If not, the extension is simply appended to the filename. Including a leading dot in ext is optional.

If the extension is empty, this function is equivalent to stripExtension.

This function normally allocates a new string (the possible exception being the case when path is immutable and doesn't already have an extension).


path A path name
ext The new extension


A string containing the path given by path, but where the extension has been set to ext.

See Also

withExtension which does not allocate and returns a lazy range.


writeln(setExtension("file", "ext")); // "file.ext"
writeln(setExtension("file"w, ".ext"w)); // "file.ext"
writeln(setExtension("file."d, "ext"d)); // "file.ext"
writeln(setExtension("file.", ".ext")); // "file.ext"
writeln(setExtension("file.old"w, "new"w)); // ""
writeln(setExtension("file.old"d, ".new"d)); // ""


Lars Tandle Kyllingstad, Walter Bright, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz, Thomas Kühne, Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0