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Function std.path.absolutePath

Transforms path into an absolute path.

string absolutePath(
  scope return const(string) path,
  lazy string base = getcwd()
) pure @safe;

The following algorithm is used:

  1. If path is empty, return null.
  2. If path is already absolute, return it.
  3. Otherwise, append path to base and return the result. If base is not specified, the current working directory is used.
The function allocates memory if and only if it gets to the third stage of this algorithm.

Note that absolutePath will not normalize .. segments. Use buildNormalizedPath(absolutePath(path)) if that is desired.


path the relative path to transform
base the base directory of the relative path


string of transformed path


Exception if the specified base directory is not absolute.

See Also

asAbsolutePath which does not allocate


version (Posix)
    writeln(absolutePath("some/file", "/foo/bar")); // "/foo/bar/some/file"
    writeln(absolutePath("../file", "/foo/bar")); // "/foo/bar/../file"
    writeln(absolutePath("/some/file", "/foo/bar")); // "/some/file"

version (Windows)
    writeln(absolutePath(`some\file`, `c:\foo\bar`)); // `c:\foo\bar\some\file`
    writeln(absolutePath(`..\file`, `c:\foo\bar`)); // `c:\foo\bar\..\file`
    writeln(absolutePath(`c:\some\file`, `c:\foo\bar`)); // `c:\some\file`
    writeln(absolutePath(`\`, `c:\`)); // `c:\`
    writeln(absolutePath(`\some\file`, `c:\foo\bar`)); // `c:\some\file`


Lars Tandle Kyllingstad, Walter Bright, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz, Thomas Kühne, Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0