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Function std.format.write.formatValue

Formats a value of any type according to a format specifier and writes the result to an output range.

void formatValue(Writer, T, Char)(
  auto ref Writer w,
  auto ref T val,
  scope const ref FormatSpec!Char f

More details about how types are formatted, and how the format specifier influences the outcome, can be found in the definition of a format string.


w an output range where the formatted value is written to
val the value to write
f a FormatSpec defining the format specifier
Writer the type of the output range w
T the type of value val
Char the character type used for f


A FormatException if formatting did not succeed.


In theory this function should be @nogc. But with the current implementation there are some cases where allocations occur. See sformat for more details.

See Also

formattedWrite which formats several values at once.


import std.array : appender;
import std.format.spec : singleSpec;

auto writer = appender!string();
auto spec = singleSpec("%08b");
writer.formatValue(42, spec);
writeln(; // "00101010"

spec = singleSpec("%2s");
writer.formatValue('=', spec);
writeln(; // "00101010 ="

spec = singleSpec("%+14.6e");
writer.formatValue(42.0, spec);
writeln(; // "00101010 = +4.200000e+01"


Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, and Kenji Hara


Boost License 1.0.