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Function dmd.funcsem.setUnsafePreview

Like setUnsafe, but for safety errors still behind preview switches

bool setUnsafePreview(
  dmd.dscope.Scope* sc,
  FeatureState fs,
  bool gag,
  Loc loc,
  const(char)* msg,
  RootObject arg0 = null,
  RootObject arg1 = null,
  RootObject arg2 = null

Given a FeatureState fs, for example dip1000 / dip25 / systemVariables, the behavior changes based on the setting:

- In case of -revert=fs, it does nothing. - In case of -preview=fs, it's the same as setUnsafe - By default, print a deprecation in @safe functions, or store an attribute violation in inferred functions.


sc used to find affected function/variable, and for checking whether we are in a deprecated / speculative scope
fs feature state from the preview flag
gag surpress error message
loc location of error
msg printf-style format string
arg0 (optional) argument for first %s format specifier
arg1 (optional) argument for second %s format specifier
arg2 (optional) argument for third %s format specifier


whether an actual safe error (not deprecation) occured


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0