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Class dmd.dclass.InterfaceDeclaration

class InterfaceDeclaration
  : ClassDeclaration;


aggrDtor DtorDeclarationaggregate destructor calling userDtors and fieldDtor (and base class aggregate dtor for C++ classes)
aliasthis AliasThisforward unresolved lookups to aliasthis
alignsize uintsize of struct for alignment purposes
baseok dmd.astenums.Baseokset the progress of base classes resolving
classKind ClassKindspecifies whether this is a D, C++, Objective-C or anonymous struct/class/interface
cppDtorVtblIndex intif this is a C++ class, this is the slot reserved for the virtual destructor
cppmangle CPPMANGLESpecify whether to mangle the aggregate as a class or a struct This information is used by the MSVC mangler Only valid for class and struct. TODO: Merge with ClassKind ?
ctor DsymbolCtorDeclaration or TemplateDeclaration
defaultCtor CtorDeclarationdefault constructor - should have no arguments, because it would be stored in TypeInfo_Class.defaultConstructor
deferred Dsymbolany deferred semantic2() or semantic3() symbol
disableNew booldisallow allocations using new
dtor DtorDeclarationthe aggregate destructor exposed as __xdtor alias
enclosing Dsymbol!=null if is nested pointing to the dsymbol that directly enclosing it. 1. The function that enclosing it (nested struct and class) 2. The class that enclosing it (nested class only) 3. If enclosing aggregate is template, its enclosing dsymbol.
fieldDtor DtorDeclarationfunction destructing (non-inherited) fields
fields dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.declaration.VarDeclaration)VarDeclaration fields
getRTInfo Expressionpointer to GC info generated by object.RTInfo(this)
importedScopes dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.dsymbol.Dsymbol)*symbols whose members have been imported, i.e. imported modules and template mixins
inuse boolto prevent recursive attempts
inv FuncDeclarationMerged invariant calling all members of invs
invs dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.func.FuncDeclaration)Array of invariants
localNum ushortperturb mangled name to avoid collisions with those in FuncDeclaration.localsymtab
noDefaultCtor boolno default construction
objc ObjcClassDeclarationData for a class declaration that is needed for the Objective-C integration.
pMangleOverride MangleOverride*overridden symbol with pragma(mangle, "...") if not null
sinit void*initializer symbol
sizeok dmd.astenums.Sizeokset when structsize contains valid data
stack booltrue if this is a scope class
storage_class ulong
structsize uintsize of struct
tidtor DtorDeclaration(same as aggrDtor, except for C++ classes with virtual dtor on Windows)
type Type
userDtors dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.func.DtorDeclaration)user-defined destructors (~this()) - mixins can yield multiple ones
visibility dmd.dsymbol.Visibility
vthis VarDeclaration'this' parameter if this aggregate is nested
vthis2 VarDeclaration'this' parameter if this aggregate is a template and is nested


isBaseOf (cd, poffset) Determine if 'this' is a base class of cd. (Actually, if it is an interface supported by cd)
kind ()
vtblOffset () Determine if slot 0 of the vtbl[] is reserved for something else. For class objects, yes, this is where the ClassInfo ptr goes. For COM interfaces, no. For non-COM interfaces, yes, this is where the Interface ptr goes.
accept (v)
addComment (comment) Add documentation comment to Dsymbol. Ignore NULL comments.
addObjcSymbols (classes, categories)
arraySyntaxCopy (a) Do syntax copy of an array of Dsymbol's.
checkOverlappedFields () Calculate field[i].overlapped and overlapUnsafe, and check that all of explicit field initializers have unique memory space on instance.
comment () get documentation comment for this Dsymbol
ddocUnittest () Get ddoc unittest associated with this symbol. (only use this with ddoc)
ddocUnittest (utd) Set ddoc unittest associated with this symbol.
deinitialize () Deinitializes the global state of the compiler.
determineSize (loc) Collect all instance fields, then determine instance size.
factory (classname) Create instance of class specified by the fully qualified name classname. The class must either have no constructors or have a default constructor.
fill (loc, elements, ctorinit) Fill out remainder of elements[] with default initializers for fields[].
findFunc (ident, tf) Find virtual function matching identifier and type. Used to build virtual function tables for interface implementations.
followInstantiationContext (p1, p2) Returns true if any of the symbols p1 or p2 resides in the enclosing instantiation scope of this.
getAccessModule () Determine which Module a Dsymbol is in, as far as access rights go.
getImportedScopes ()
getImportVisibilities ()
getModule () Determine which Module a Dsymbol is in.
hasMonitor ()
hasPointers () Is Dsymbol a variable that contains pointers?
hasStaticCtorOrDtor () Return true if any of the members are static ctors or static dtors, or if any members have members that are.
inNonRoot () Returns true if this symbol is defined in a non-root module without instantiation.
isAbstract ()
isBaseInfoComplete () Determine if 'this' has complete base class information. This is used to detect forward references in covariant overloads.
isBaseOf2 (cd) Determine if 'this' is a base class of cd. This is used to detect circular inheritance only.
isCOMclass ()
isCsymbol () Does this Dsymbol come from a C file?
isMember () Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParent() is that.
isMember2 () Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParent2() is that.
isMemberDecl () Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParentDecl() is that.
isMemberLocal () Returns an AggregateDeclaration when toParentLocal() is that.
isNested () Returns true if there's an extra member which is the 'this' pointer to the enclosing context (enclosing aggregate or function)
newScope (sc) Create a new scope from sc. semantic, semantic2 and semantic3 will use this for aggregate members.
nonHiddenFields ()
oneMember (ps, ident) Determine if this symbol is only one.
oneMembers (members, ps, ident) Same as Dsymbol::oneMember(), but look at an array of Dsymbols.
opCmp (o) Compare with another Object obj.
opEquals (o) Test whether this is equal to o. The default implementation only compares by identity (using the is operator). Generally, overrides and overloads for opEquals should attempt to compare objects by their contents. A class will most likely want to add an overload that takes your specific type as the argument and does the content comparison. Then you can override this and forward it to your specific typed overload with a cast. Remember to check for null on the typed overload.
pastMixin () pastMixin returns the enclosing symbol if this is a template mixin.
searchBase (ident) Search base classes in depth-first, left-to-right order for a class or interface named 'ident'. Stops at first found. Does not look for additional matches.
searchCtor () Look for constructor declaration.
setDeprecated () Flag this aggregate as deprecated
size (loc)
symtabInsert (s) Insert Dsymbol in table.
symtabLookup (s, id) Look up identifier in symbol table.
syntaxCopy (s) Copy the syntax. Used for template instantiations. If s is NULL, allocate the new object, otherwise fill it in.
toAlias () If this symbol is really an alias for another, return that other. If needed, semantic() is invoked due to resolve forward reference.
toAlias2 () Resolve recursive tuple expansion in eponymous template.
toHash () Compute hash function for Object.
toParent () parent field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
toParent2 () parent field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
toParentDecl () parent field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
toParentLocal () parent field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
toParentP (p1, p2) Returns the declaration scope scope of this unless any of the symbols p1 or p2 resides in its enclosing instantiation scope then the latter is returned.
toString ()
toString () Convert Object to a human readable string.
visible ()


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0