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Function std.uni.MatcherConcept.test

Perform a semantic equivalent 2 operations: decoding a code point at front of inp and testing if it belongs to the set of code points of this matcher.

bool test(Range)(
  ref Range inp
if (isRandomAccessRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : char));

The effect on inp depends on the kind of function called:

Match. If the codepoint is found in the set then range inp is advanced by its size in code units, otherwise the range is not modifed.

Skip. The range is always advanced by the size of the tested code point regardless of the result of test.

Test. The range is left unaffected regardless of the result of test.


string truth = "2² = 4";
auto m = utfMatcher!char(unicode.Number);
assert(m.match(truth)); // '2' is a number all right
assert(truth == "² = 4"); // skips on match
assert(m.match(truth)); // so is the superscript '2'
assert(!m.match(truth)); // space is not a number
assert(truth == " = 4"); // unaffected on no match
assert(!m.skip(truth)); // same test ...
assert(truth == "= 4"); // but skips a codepoint regardless
assert(!m.test(truth)); // '=' is not a number
assert(truth == "= 4"); // test never affects argument


Dmitry Olshansky


Boost License 1.0.