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Struct std.uni.Grapheme
A structure designed to effectively pack characters of a grapheme cluster.
struct Grapheme;
has value semantics so 2 copies of a Grapheme
always refer to distinct objects. In most actual scenarios a Grapheme
fits on the stack and avoids memory allocation overhead for all but quite
long clusters.
Name | Description |
Ctor |
Name | Type | Description |
length [get]
ulong | Grapheme cluster length in code points. |
valid [get]
bool | True if this object contains valid extended grapheme cluster.
Decoding primitives of this module always return a valid Grapheme .
Name | Description |
Gets a code point at the given index in this cluster. |
(ch, index)
Writes a code point ch at given index in this cluster.
Append character ch to this grapheme.
Append all characters from the input range inp to this Grapheme.
(a, b)
Random-access range over Grapheme's characters. |
See Also
import std .algorithm .comparison : equal;
import std .algorithm .iteration : filter;
import std .range : isRandomAccessRange;
string bold = "ku\u0308hn";
// note that decodeGrapheme takes parameter by ref
auto first = decodeGrapheme(bold);
writeln(first .length); // 1
writeln(first[0]); // 'k'
// the next grapheme is 2 characters long
auto wideOne = decodeGrapheme(bold);
// slicing a grapheme yields a random-access range of dchar
assert(wideOne[] .equal("u\u0308"));
writeln(wideOne .length); // 2
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(wideOne[])));
// all of the usual range manipulation is possible
assert(wideOne[] .filter!isMark() .equal("\u0308"));
auto g = Grapheme("A");
assert(g .valid);
g ~= '\u0301';
assert(g[] .equal("A\u0301"));
assert(g .valid);
g ~= "B";
// not a valid grapheme cluster anymore
assert(!g .valid);
// still could be useful though
assert(g[] .equal("A\u0301B"));
Dmitry Olshansky
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