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Function std.uni.compose

Try to canonically compose 2 characters. Returns the composed character if they do compose and dchar.init otherwise.

dchar compose(
  dchar first,
  dchar second
) pure nothrow @safe;

The assumption is that first comes before second in the original text, usually meaning that the first is a starter.


Hangul syllables are not covered by this function. See composeJamo below.


writeln(compose('A', '\u0308')); // '\u00C4'
writeln(compose('A', 'B')); // dchar.init
writeln(compose('C', '\u0301')); // '\u0106'
// note that the starter is the first one
// thus the following doesn't compose
writeln(compose('\u0308', 'A')); // dchar.init


Dmitry Olshansky


Boost License 1.0.