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std.uni.CodepointTrie/codepointTrie - multiple declarations

Template codepointTrie

A slightly more general tool for building fixed Trie for the Unicode data.

template codepointTrie(T, sizes...);

Specifically unlike codepointSetTrie it's allows creating mappings of dchar to an arbitrary type T.

Contained Functions



Overload taking CodepointSets will naturally convert only to bool mapping Tries.

CodepointTrie is the type of Trie as generated by codepointTrie function.

Alias CodepointTrie

A slightly more general tool for building fixed Trie for the Unicode data.

alias CodepointTrie(T, sizes...) = typeof(TrieBuilder!(T,dchar,lastDchar+1,Prefix)(T.init).build());

Specifically unlike codepointSetTrie it's allows creating mappings of dchar to an arbitrary type T.


Overload taking CodepointSets will naturally convert only to bool mapping Tries.

CodepointTrie is the type of Trie as generated by codepointTrie function.


Dmitry Olshansky


Boost License 1.0.