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Function std.uni.byCodePoint

Lazily transform a range of Graphemes to a range of code points.

auto byCodePoint(Range)(
  Range range
if (isInputRange!Range && is(immutable(ElementType!Range) == immutable(Grapheme)));

auto byCodePoint(Range)(
  Range range
if (isInputRange!Range && is(immutable(ElementType!Range) == immutable(dchar)));

Useful for converting the result to a string after doing operations on graphemes.

If passed in a range of code points, returns a range with equivalent capabilities.


import std.array : array;
import std.conv : text;
import std.range : retro;

string s = "noe\u0308l"; // noël

// reverse it and convert the result to a string
string reverse = s.byGrapheme

assert(reverse == "le\u0308on"); // lëon


Dmitry Olshansky


Boost License 1.0.