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std.typecons.RefCounted/refCounted - multiple declarations

Function refCounted

Like safeRefCounted but used to initialize RefCounted instead. Intended for backwards compatibility, otherwise it is preferable to use safeRefCounted.

RefCounted!(T, refCounted(T)(
  T val


static struct File
    static size_t nDestroyed;
    string name;
    @disable this(this); // not copyable
    ~this() { name = null; ++nDestroyed; }

auto file = File("name");
writeln(; // "name"
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {auto file2 = file;}));
writeln(File.nDestroyed); // 0

    import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
    auto rcFile = refCounted(move(file));
    writeln(; // "name"
    writeln(File.nDestroyed); // 1
    writeln(; // null

    auto rcFile2 = rcFile;
    writeln(rcFile.refCountedStore.refCount); // 2
    writeln(File.nDestroyed); // 1

writeln(File.nDestroyed); // 2

Struct RefCounted

The old version of SafeRefCounted, before borrow existed. Old code may be relying on @safety of some of the member functions which cannot be safe in the new scheme, and can avoid breakage by continuing to use this. SafeRefCounted should be preferred, as this type is outdated and unrecommended for new code.

struct RefCounted(T, RefCountedAutoInitialize autoInit = RefCountedAutoInitialize.yes);


auto rc1 = RefCounted!int(5);
writeln(rc1); // 5
auto rc2 = rc1;
rc2 = 42;
writeln(rc1); // 42


Andrei Alexandrescu, Bartosz Milewski, Don Clugston, Shin Fujishiro, Kenji Hara


Boost License 1.0.