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std.system.OS/os - multiple declarations

Variable os

The OS that the program was compiled for.

immutable(OS) os = OS.linux;

Enum OS

Operating system.

enum OS : int { ... }

Enum members

android Android
dragonFlyBSD DragonFlyBSD
freeBSD FreeBSD
linux All Linux Systems, except for Android
openBSD OpenBSD
osx Mac OS X
otherPosix Other Posix Systems
solaris Solaris
tvOS tvOS
unknown Unknown
watchOS watchOS
win32 Microsoft 32 bit Windows systems
win64 Microsoft 64 bit Windows systems


This is for cases where you need a value representing the OS at runtime. If you're doing something which should compile differently on different OSes, then please use version (Windows), version (linux), etc.

See Also

Predefined Versions


Walter Bright and Jonathan M Davis


Boost License 1.0.