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Function std.string.rightJustify

Right justify s in a field width characters wide. fillChar is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that s doesn't fill.

S rightJustify(S)(
  S s,
  size_t width,
  dchar fillChar = ' '
if (isSomeString!S);


s string
width minimum field width
fillChar used to pad end up to width characters


GC allocated string

See Also

rightJustifier, which does not allocate


writeln(rightJustify("hello", 7, 'X')); // "XXhello"
writeln(rightJustify("hello", 2, 'X')); // "hello"
writeln(rightJustify("hello", 9, 'X')); // "XXXXhello"


Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, Jonathan M Davis, and David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis


Boost License 1.0.