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std.range.Transversal/transversal - multiple declarations

Function transversal

Given a range of ranges, iterate transversally through the nth element of each of the enclosed ranges. This function is similar to unzip in other languages.

Transversal!(RangeOfRanges,opt) transversal(TransverseOptions opt = TransverseOptions.assumeJagged, RangeOfRanges)(
  RangeOfRanges rr,
  size_t n


opt Controls the assumptions the function makes about the lengths of the ranges
rr An input range of random access ranges


At minimum, an input range. Range primitives such as bidirectionality and random access are given if the element type of rr provides them.


import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
int[][] x = new int[][2];
x[0] = [1, 2];
x[1] = [3, 4];
auto ror = transversal(x, 1);
assert(equal(ror, [ 2, 4 ]));


The following code does a full unzip

import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
int[][] y = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
auto z =!(i => transversal(y, i));
assert(equal!equal(z, [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]));

Struct Transversal

Given a range of ranges, iterate transversally through the nth element of each of the enclosed ranges. This function is similar to unzip in other languages.

struct Transversal(Ror, TransverseOptions opt = TransverseOptions.assumeJagged);


this (input, n) Construction from an input and an index.


back[get, set] autoBidirectional primitives. They are offered if isBidirectionalRange!RangeOfRanges.
front[get, set] autoForward range primitives.
save[get] typeof(this)Forward range primitives.


moveAt (n) Random-access primitive. It is offered if isRandomAccessRange!RangeOfRanges && (opt == TransverseOptions.assumeNotJagged || opt == TransverseOptions.enforceNotJagged).
moveBack () Bidirectional primitives. They are offered if isBidirectionalRange!RangeOfRanges.
moveFront () Forward range primitives.
opIndex (n) Random-access primitive. It is offered if isRandomAccessRange!RangeOfRanges && (opt == TransverseOptions.assumeNotJagged || opt == TransverseOptions.enforceNotJagged).
opIndexAssign (val, n) Random-access primitive. It is offered if isRandomAccessRange!RangeOfRanges && (opt == TransverseOptions.assumeNotJagged || opt == TransverseOptions.enforceNotJagged).
opSlice (lower, upper) Slicing if offered if RangeOfRanges supports slicing and all the conditions for supporting indexing are met.
popBack () Bidirectional primitives. They are offered if isBidirectionalRange!RangeOfRanges.
popFront () Forward range primitives.


opt Controls the assumptions the function makes about the lengths of the ranges
rr An input range of random access ranges


At minimum, an input range. Range primitives such as bidirectionality and random access are given if the element type of rr provides them.


import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
int[][] x = new int[][2];
x[0] = [1, 2];
x[1] = [3, 4];
auto ror = transversal(x, 1);
assert(equal(ror, [ 2, 4 ]));


The following code does a full unzip

import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
int[][] y = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
auto z =!(i => transversal(y, i));
assert(equal!equal(z, [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]));


Andrei Alexandrescu, David Simcha, Jonathan M Davis, and Jack Stouffer. Credit for some of the ideas in building this module goes to Leonardo Maffi.


Boost License 1.0.