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std.range.Chunks/chunks - multiple declarations

Function chunks

This range iterates over fixed-sized chunks of size chunkSize of a source range. Source must be an input range. chunkSize must be greater than zero.

Chunks!Source chunks(Source)(
  Source source,
  size_t chunkSize
if (isInputRange!Source);

If !isInfinite!Source and source.walkLength is not evenly divisible by chunkSize, the back element of this range will contain fewer than chunkSize elements.

If Source is a forward range, the resulting range will be forward ranges as well. Otherwise, the resulting chunks will be input ranges consuming the same


iterating over front will shrink the chunk such that subsequent invocations of front will no longer return the full chunk, and calling popFront on the outer range will invalidate any lingering references to previous values of front.


source Range from which the chunks will be selected
chunkSize Chunk size

See Also



Range of chunks.


import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto source = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
auto chunks = chunks(source, 4);
writeln(chunks[0]); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
writeln(chunks[1]); // [5, 6, 7, 8]
writeln(chunks[2]); // [9, 10]
writeln(chunks.back); // chunks[2]
writeln(chunks.front); // chunks[0]
writeln(chunks.length); // 3
assert(equal(retro(array(chunks)), array(retro(chunks))));


Non-forward input ranges are supported, but with limited semantics.

import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;

int i;

// The generator doesn't save state, so it cannot be a forward range.
auto inputRange = generate!(() => ++i).take(10);

// We can still process it in chunks, but it will be single-pass only.
auto chunked = inputRange.chunks(2);

assert(chunked.front.equal([1, 2]));
assert(chunked.front.empty); // Iterating the chunk has consumed it
assert(chunked.front.equal([3, 4]));

Struct Chunks

This range iterates over fixed-sized chunks of size chunkSize of a source range. Source must be an input range. chunkSize must be greater than zero.

struct Chunks(Source)
if (isInputRange!Source);

If !isInfinite!Source and source.walkLength is not evenly divisible by chunkSize, the back element of this range will contain fewer than chunkSize elements.

If Source is a forward range, the resulting range will be forward ranges as well. Otherwise, the resulting chunks will be input ranges consuming the same


this (source, chunkSize) Standard constructor


back[get] autoBidirectional range primitives. Provided only if both hasSlicing!Source and hasLength!Source are true.
empty[get] boolInput range primitives. Always present.
front[get] autoInput range primitives. Always present.
length[get] size_tLength. Only if hasLength!Source is true
save[get] typeof(this)Forward range primitives. Only present if Source is a forward range.


opIndex (index) Indexing and slicing operations. Provided only if hasSlicing!Source is true.
opSlice (lower, upper) Indexing and slicing operations. Provided only if hasSlicing!Source is true.
popBack () Bidirectional range primitives. Provided only if both hasSlicing!Source and hasLength!Source are true.
popFront () Input range primitives. Always present.


iterating over front will shrink the chunk such that subsequent invocations of front will no longer return the full chunk, and calling popFront on the outer range will invalidate any lingering references to previous values of front.


source Range from which the chunks will be selected
chunkSize Chunk size

See Also



Range of chunks.


import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto source = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
auto chunks = chunks(source, 4);
writeln(chunks[0]); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
writeln(chunks[1]); // [5, 6, 7, 8]
writeln(chunks[2]); // [9, 10]
writeln(chunks.back); // chunks[2]
writeln(chunks.front); // chunks[0]
writeln(chunks.length); // 3
assert(equal(retro(array(chunks)), array(retro(chunks))));


Non-forward input ranges are supported, but with limited semantics.

import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;

int i;

// The generator doesn't save state, so it cannot be a forward range.
auto inputRange = generate!(() => ++i).take(10);

// We can still process it in chunks, but it will be single-pass only.
auto chunked = inputRange.chunks(2);

assert(chunked.front.equal([1, 2]));
assert(chunked.front.empty); // Iterating the chunk has consumed it
assert(chunked.front.equal([3, 4]));


Andrei Alexandrescu, David Simcha, Jonathan M Davis, and Jack Stouffer. Credit for some of the ideas in building this module goes to Leonardo Maffi.


Boost License 1.0.