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Struct std.random.LinearCongruentialEngine

Linear Congruential generator. When m = 0, no modulus is used.

struct LinearCongruentialEngine(UIntType, UIntType a, UIntType c, UIntType m)
if (isUnsigned!UIntType);


this (x0) Constructs a LinearCongruentialEngine generator seeded with x0.


front[get] UIntTypeReturns the current number in the random sequence.
save[get] typeof(this)


popFront () Advances the random sequence.
seed (x0) (Re)seeds the generator.


Declare your own linear congruential engine

alias CPP11LCG = LinearCongruentialEngine!(uint, 48271, 0, 2_147_483_647);

// seed with a constant
auto rnd = CPP11LCG(42);
auto n = rnd.front; // same for each run
writeln(n); // 2027382


Declare your own linear congruential engine

// glibc's LCG
alias GLibcLCG = LinearCongruentialEngine!(uint, 1103515245, 12345, 2_147_483_648);

// Seed with an unpredictable value
auto rnd = GLibcLCG(unpredictableSeed);
auto n = rnd.front; // different across runs


Declare your own linear congruential engine

// Visual C++'s LCG
alias MSVCLCG = LinearCongruentialEngine!(uint, 214013, 2531011, 0);

// seed with a constant
auto rnd = MSVCLCG(1);
auto n = rnd.front; // same for each run
writeln(n); // 2745024


Andrei Alexandrescu Masahiro Nakagawa (Xorshift random generator) Joseph Rushton Wakeling (Algorithm D for random sampling) Ilya Yaroshenko (Mersenne Twister implementation, adapted from mir-random)


Boost License 1.0.