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Struct std.process.Config

Options that control the behaviour of process creation functions in this module. Most options only apply to spawnProcess and spawnShell.

struct Config;


flags Config.FlagsFlag options. Use bitwise OR to combine flags.
preExecDelegate nothrow @nogc @safe bool delegate()A delegate that is called before exec in spawnProcess. It returns true if succeeded and otherwise returns false.
preExecFunction nothrow @nogc @safe bool function()A function that is called before exec in spawnProcess. It returns true if succeeded and otherwise returns false.


opBinary (other) For backwards compatibility, and cases when only flags need to be specified in the Config, these allow building Config instances using flag names only.
opOpAssign (other) For backwards compatibility, and cases when only flags need to be specified in the Config, these allow building Config instances using flag names only.
opUnary () For backwards compatibility, and cases when only flags need to be specified in the Config, these allow building Config instances using flag names only.


Flags Flag options. Use bitwise OR to combine flags.


auto logFile = File("myapp_error.log", "w");

// Start program, suppressing the console window (Windows only),
// redirect its error stream to logFile, and leave logFile open
// in the parent process as well.
auto pid = spawnProcess("myapp", stdin, stdout, logFile,
                        Config.retainStderr | Config.suppressConsole);
    auto exitCode = wait(pid);
    logFile.writeln("myapp exited with code ", exitCode);


Lars Tandle Kyllingstad, Steven Schveighoffer, Vladimir Panteleev


Boost License 1.0.