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Function std.path.dirName

Returns the parent directory of path. On Windows, this includes the drive letter if present. If path is a relative path and the parent directory is the current working directory, returns ".".

auto dirName(R)(
  scope return R path
if (isRandomAccessRange!R && hasSlicing!R && hasLength!R && isSomeChar!(ElementType!R) && !isSomeString!R);

auto dirName(C)(
  scope return C[] path
if (isSomeChar!C);


path A path name.


A slice of path or ".".


This function complies with the POSIX requirements for the 'dirname' shell utility (with suitable adaptations for Windows paths).


writeln(dirName("")); // "."
writeln(dirName("file"w)); // "."
writeln(dirName("dir/"d)); // "."
writeln(dirName("dir///")); // "."
writeln(dirName("dir/file"w.dup)); // "dir"
writeln(dirName("dir///file"d.dup)); // "dir"
writeln(dirName("dir/subdir/")); // "dir"
writeln(dirName("/dir/file"w)); // "/dir"
writeln(dirName("/file"d)); // "/"
writeln(dirName("/")); // "/"
writeln(dirName("///")); // "/"

version (Windows)
    writeln(dirName(`dir\`)); // `.`
    writeln(dirName(`dir\\\`)); // `.`
    writeln(dirName(`dir\file`)); // `dir`
    writeln(dirName(`dir\\\file`)); // `dir`
    writeln(dirName(`dir\subdir\`)); // `dir`
    writeln(dirName(`\dir\file`)); // `\dir`
    writeln(dirName(`\file`)); // `\`
    writeln(dirName(`\`)); // `\`
    writeln(dirName(`\\\`)); // `\`
    writeln(dirName(`d:`)); // `d:`
    writeln(dirName(`d:file`)); // `d:`
    writeln(dirName(`d:\`)); // `d:\`
    writeln(dirName(`d:\file`)); // `d:\`
    writeln(dirName(`d:\dir\file`)); // `d:\dir`
    writeln(dirName(`\\server\share\dir\file`)); // `\\server\share\dir`
    writeln(dirName(`\\server\share\file`)); // `\\server\share`
    writeln(dirName(`\\server\share\`)); // `\\server\share`
    writeln(dirName(`\\server\share`)); // `\\server\share`


Lars Tandle Kyllingstad, Walter Bright, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz, Thomas Kühne, Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0