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Function std.numeric.gcd

Computes the greatest common divisor of a and b by using an efficient algorithm such as Euclid's or Stein's algorithm.

typeof(Unqual!T.init%Unqual!U.init) gcd(T, U)(
  T a,
  U b
if (isIntegral!T && isIntegral!U);

auto gcd(T)(
  T a,
  T b
if (!isIntegral!T && is(typeof(T.init % T.init)) && is(typeof(T.init == 0 || T.init > 0)));


a Integer value of any numerical type that supports the modulo operator %. If bit-shifting << and >> are also supported, Stein's algorithm will be used; otherwise, Euclid's algorithm is used as a fallback.
b Integer value of any equivalent numerical type.


The greatest common divisor of the given arguments.


writeln(gcd(2 * 5 * 7 * 7, 5 * 7 * 11)); // 5 * 7
const int a = 5 * 13 * 23 * 23, b = 13 * 59;
writeln(gcd(a, b)); // 13


Andrei Alexandrescu, Don Clugston, Robert Jacques, Ilya Yaroshenko


Boost License 1.0.