HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of lines asynchronously.
auto byLineAsync(Conn, Terminator, Char, PostUnit)(
const(char)[] url,
const(PostUnit)[] postData,
KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No .keepTerminator,
Terminator terminator = '\n',
size_t transmitBuffers = 10,
Conn conn = Conn()
if (isCurlConn!Conn && isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Terminator);
auto byLineAsync(Conn, Terminator, Char)(
const(char)[] url,
KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No .keepTerminator,
Terminator terminator = '\n',
size_t transmitBuffers = 10,
Conn conn = Conn()
A range of lines is returned immediately and the request that fetches the
lines is performed in another thread. If the method or other request
properties is to be customized then set the conn
parameter with a
HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set.
If postData
is non-null the method will be set to post
for HTTP
The background thread will buffer up to transmitBuffers number of lines before it stops receiving data from network. When the main thread reads the lines from the range it frees up buffers and allows for the background thread to receive more data from the network.
If no data is available and the main thread accesses the range it will block
until data becomes available. An exception to this is the wait(Duration)
method on
the LineInputRange
. This method will wait at maximum for the
specified duration and return true if data is available.
import std .net .curl, std .stdio;
// Get some pages in the background
auto range1 = byLineAsync("");
auto range2 = byLineAsync("");
foreach (line; byLineAsync(""))
// Lines already fetched in the background and ready
foreach (line; range1) writeln(line);
foreach (line; range2) writeln(line);
import std .net .curl, std .stdio;
// Get a line in a background thread and wait in
// main thread for 2 seconds for it to arrive.
auto range3 = byLineAsync("");
if (range3 .wait(dur!"seconds"(2)))
writeln(range3 .front);
writeln("No line received after 2 seconds!");
Name | Description |
url | The url to receive content from |
postData | Data to HTTP Post |
keepTerminator | Yes signals that the line terminator should be
returned as part of the lines in the range. |
terminator | The character that terminates a line |
transmitBuffers | The number of lines buffered asynchronously |
conn | The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP. |
A range of Char[] with the content of the resource pointer to by the URL.
Jonas Drewsen. Some of the SMTP code contributed by Jimmy Cao.