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Alias std.functional.adjoin

Takes multiple functions and adjoins them together.

alias adjoin(F...) = F[0];


F the call-able(s) to adjoin


A new function which returns a Tuple. Each of the elements of the tuple will be the return values of F.


In the special case where only a single function is provided (F.length == 1), adjoin simply aliases to the single passed function (F[0]).


import std.typecons : Tuple;
static bool f1(int a) { return a != 0; }
static int f2(int a) { return a / 2; }
auto x = adjoin!(f1, f2)(5);
assert(is(typeof(x) == Tuple!(bool, int)));
assert(x[0] == true && x[1] == 2);


Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0.