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Function std.format.spec.singleSpec

Helper function that returns a FormatSpec for a single format specifier.

FormatSpec!Char singleSpec(Char)(
  Char[] fmt


fmt a format string containing a single format specifier
Char character type of fmt


A FormatSpec with the format specifier parsed.


A FormatException when the format string contains no format specifier or more than a single format specifier or when the format specifier is malformed.


import std.array : appender;
import std.format.write : formatValue;

auto spec = singleSpec("%10.3e");
auto writer = appender!string();
writer.formatValue(42.0, spec);

writeln(; // " 4.200e+01"


Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, and Kenji Hara


Boost License 1.0.