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Function std.experimental.allocator.allocatorObject
Returns a dynamically-typed CAllocator
built around a given statically-
typed allocator a
of type A
. Passing a pointer to the allocator
creates a dynamic allocator around the allocator pointed to by the pointer,
without attempting to copy or move it. Passing the allocator by value or
reference behaves as follows.
RCIAllocator allocatorObject(A)(
auto ref A a
if (!isPointer!A);
RCIAllocator allocatorObject(A)(
A* pa
- If
has no state, the resulting object is allocated in static shared storage. - If
has state, the result willmove
the supplied allocatorA a
within. The result itself is allocated in its own statically-typed allocator.
import std .experimental .allocator .mallocator : Mallocator;
RCIAllocator a = allocatorObject(Mallocator .instance);
auto b = a .allocate(100);
writeln(b .length); // 100
assert(a .deallocate(b));
// The in-situ region must be used by pointer
import std .experimental .allocator .building_blocks .region : InSituRegion;
auto r = InSituRegion!1024();
a = allocatorObject(&r);
b = a .allocate(200);
writeln(b .length); // 200
// In-situ regions can deallocate the last allocation
assert(a .deallocate(b));
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