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Function std.concurrency.receiveOnly

Receives only messages with arguments of the specified types.

receiveOnlyRet!T receiveOnly(T...)();


T Variadic list of types to be received.


The received message. If T has more than one entry, the message will be packed into a Tuple.


MessageMismatch if a message of types other than T is received, OwnerTerminated when the sending thread was terminated.


auto tid = spawn(
    assert(receiveOnly!int == 42);
send(tid, 42);


auto tid = spawn(
    assert(receiveOnly!string == "text");
send(tid, "text");


struct Record { string name; int age; }

auto tid = spawn(
    auto msg = receiveOnly!(double, Record);
    assert(msg[0] == 0.5);
    assert(msg[1].name == "Alice");
    assert(msg[1].age == 31);

send(tid, 0.5, Record("Alice", 31));


Sean Kelly, Alex Rønne Petersen, Martin Nowak


Boost License 1.0.