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std.complex.Complex/complex - multiple declarations

Function complex

Helper function that returns a complex number with the specified real and imaginary parts.

auto complex(R)(
  const R re
) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
if (is(R : double));

auto complex(R, I)(
  const R re,
  const I im
) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
if (is(R : double) && is(I : double));


R (template parameter) type of real part of complex number
I (template parameter) type of imaginary part of complex number
re real part of complex number to be constructed
im (optional) imaginary part of complex number, 0 if omitted.


Complex instance with real and imaginary parts set to the values provided as input. If neither re nor im are floating-point numbers, the return type will be Complex!double. Otherwise, the return type is deduced using CommonType!(R, I).


auto a = complex(1.0);
static assert(is(typeof(a) == Complex!double));
writeln(; // 1.0
writeln(; // 0.0

auto b = complex(2.0L);
static assert(is(typeof(b) == Complex!real));
writeln(; // 2.0L
writeln(; // 0.0L

auto c = complex(1.0, 2.0);
static assert(is(typeof(c) == Complex!double));
writeln(; // 1.0
writeln(; // 2.0

auto d = complex(3.0, 4.0L);
static assert(is(typeof(d) == Complex!real));
writeln(; // 3.0
writeln(; // 4.0L

auto e = complex(1);
static assert(is(typeof(e) == Complex!double));
writeln(; // 1
writeln(; // 0

auto f = complex(1L, 2);
static assert(is(typeof(f) == Complex!double));
writeln(; // 1L
writeln(; // 2

auto g = complex(3, 4.0L);
static assert(is(typeof(g) == Complex!real));
writeln(; // 3
writeln(; // 4.0L

Struct Complex

A complex number parametrised by a type T, which must be either float, double or real.

struct Complex(T)
if (isFloatingPoint!T);


this (x, y) Construct a complex number with the specified real and imaginary parts. In the case where a single argument is passed that is not complex, the imaginary part of the result will be zero.


im TThe imaginary part of the number.
re TThe real part of the number.


toNative () Returns a complex number instance that correponds in size and in ABI to the associated C compiler's _Complex type.
toString () Converts the complex number to a string representation.


Lars Tandle Kyllingstad, Don Clugston


Boost License 1.0