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std.bigint.BigInt.opBinary - multiple declarations

Function BigInt.opBinary

Implements binary operators between BigInts.

BigInt opBinary(string op, T)(
  T y
) return const pure nothrow @safe
if ((op == "+" || op == "*" || op == "-" || op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^" || op == "/" || op == "%") && is(T : BigInt));


auto x = BigInt("123");
auto y = BigInt("456");
BigInt z = x * y;
writeln(z); // BigInt("56088")

Function BigInt.opBinary

Implements binary operators between BigInt's and built-in integers.

BigInt opBinary(string op, T)(
  T y
) return const pure nothrow @safe
if ((op == "+" || op == "*" || op == "-" || op == "/" || op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^" || op == ">>" || op == "<<" || op == "^^") && isIntegral!T);


auto x = BigInt("123");
x *= 300;
writeln(x); // BigInt("36900")

Function BigInt.opBinary

Implements a narrowing remainder operation with built-in integer types.

auto opBinary(string op, T)(
  T y
) const pure nothrow @safe
if (op == "%" && isIntegral!T);

This binary operator returns a narrower, built-in integer type where applicable, according to the following table.

BigInt % uint long
BigInt % long long
BigInt % ulong BigInt
BigInt % other type int


auto  x  = BigInt("1_000_000_500");
long  l  = 1_000_000L;
ulong ul = 2_000_000UL;
int   i  = 500_000;
short s  = 30_000;

assert(is(typeof(x % l)  == long)   && x % l  == 500L);
assert(is(typeof(x % ul) == BigInt) && x % ul == BigInt(500));
assert(is(typeof(x % i)  == int)    && x % i  == 500);
assert(is(typeof(x % s)  == int)    && x % s  == 10500);


Don Clugston


Boost License 1.0.