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- multiple declarations
Function Base64Impl.decode
Decodes source into the given buffer.
ubyte[] decode(R1, R2)(
in R1 source,
scope return R2 buffer
) pure @trusted
if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
ubyte[] decode(R1, R2)(
R1 source,
R2 buffer
if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && hasLength!R1 && is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
Name | Description |
source | The input range to decode. |
buffer | The buffer to store decoded result. |
The slice of buffer containing the decoded result.
if source contains characters outside the
base alphabet of the current Base64 encoding scheme.
auto encoded = "Gis8TV1u";
ubyte[32] buffer; // much bigger than necessary
// Just to be sure...
auto decodedLength = Base64 .decodeLength(encoded .length);
assert(buffer .length >= decodedLength);
// decode() returns a slice of the given buffer.
auto decoded = Base64 .decode(encoded, buffer[]);
assert(decoded is buffer[0 .. decodedLength]);
writeln(decoded); // [0x1a, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x6e]
Function Base64Impl.decode
Decodes source into a given output range.
size_t decode(R1, R2)(
in R1 source,
auto ref R2 range
if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && !is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
size_t decode(R1, R2)(
R1 source,
auto ref R2 range
if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && hasLength!R1 && !is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));
Name | Description |
source | The input range to decode. |
range | The output range to store the decoded result. |
The number of times the output range's put
method was invoked.
if source contains characters outside the
base alphabet of the current Base64 encoding scheme.
struct OutputRange
ubyte[] result;
void put(ubyte b) { result ~= b; }
OutputRange output;
// This overload of decode() returns the number of calls to put().
writeln(Base64 .decode("Gis8TV1u", output)); // 6
writeln(output .result); // [0x1a, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x6e]
Function Base64Impl.decode
Decodes source into newly-allocated buffer.
ubyte[] decode(Range)(
Range source
) pure @safe
if (isArray!Range && is(ElementType!Range : dchar));
ubyte[] decode(Range)(
Range source
if (!isArray!Range && isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : dchar) && hasLength!Range);
This convenience method alleviates the need to manually manage decoding buffers.
Name | Description |
source | The input range to decode. |
A newly-allocated ubyte[]
buffer containing the decoded string.
auto data = "Gis8TV1u";
writeln(Base64 .decode(data)); // [0x1a, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x6e]
Masahiro Nakagawa, Daniel Murphy (Single value Encoder and Decoder)
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