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std.base64.Base64Impl.decode - multiple declarations

Function Base64Impl.decode

Decodes source into the given buffer.

ubyte[] decode(R1, R2)(
  in R1 source,
  scope return R2 buffer
) pure @trusted
if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));

ubyte[] decode(R1, R2)(
  R1 source,
  R2 buffer
if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && hasLength!R1 && is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));


source The input range to decode.
buffer The buffer to store decoded result.


The slice of buffer containing the decoded result.


Base64Exception if source contains characters outside the base alphabet of the current Base64 encoding scheme.


auto encoded = "Gis8TV1u";
ubyte[32] buffer;   // much bigger than necessary

// Just to be sure...
auto decodedLength = Base64.decodeLength(encoded.length);
assert(buffer.length >= decodedLength);

// decode() returns a slice of the given buffer.
auto decoded = Base64.decode(encoded, buffer[]);
assert(decoded is buffer[0 .. decodedLength]);
writeln(decoded); // [0x1a, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x6e]

Function Base64Impl.decode

Decodes source into a given output range.

size_t decode(R1, R2)(
  in R1 source,
  auto ref R2 range
if (isArray!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && !is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));

size_t decode(R1, R2)(
  R1 source,
  auto ref R2 range
if (!isArray!R1 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R1 : dchar) && hasLength!R1 && !is(R2 == ubyte[]) && isOutputRange!(R2, ubyte));


source The input range to decode.
range The output range to store the decoded result.


The number of times the output range's put method was invoked.


Base64Exception if source contains characters outside the base alphabet of the current Base64 encoding scheme.


struct OutputRange
    ubyte[] result;
    void put(ubyte b) { result ~= b; }
OutputRange output;

// This overload of decode() returns the number of calls to put().
writeln(Base64.decode("Gis8TV1u", output)); // 6
writeln(output.result); // [0x1a, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x6e]

Function Base64Impl.decode

Decodes source into newly-allocated buffer.

ubyte[] decode(Range)(
  Range source
) pure @safe
if (isArray!Range && is(ElementType!Range : dchar));

ubyte[] decode(Range)(
  Range source
if (!isArray!Range && isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : dchar) && hasLength!Range);

This convenience method alleviates the need to manually manage decoding buffers.


source The input range to decode.


A newly-allocated ubyte[] buffer containing the decoded string.


auto data = "Gis8TV1u";
writeln(Base64.decode(data)); // [0x1a, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x6e]


Masahiro Nakagawa, Daniel Murphy (Single value Encoder and Decoder)


Boost License 1.0.