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std.array.array - multiple declarations

Function array

Allocates an array and initializes it with copies of the elements of range r.

ForeachType!Range[] array(Range)(
  Range r
if (isIterable!Range && !isAutodecodableString!Range && !isInfinite!Range);

ForeachType!(typeof((*Range).init))[] array(Range)(
  Range r
if (is(Range == U*, U) && isIterable!U && !isAutodecodableString!Range && !isInfinite!Range);

Narrow strings are handled as follows: - If autodecoding is turned on (default), then they are handled as a separate overload. - If autodecoding is turned off, then this is equivalent to duplicating the array.


r range (or aggregate with opApply function) whose elements are copied into the allocated array


allocated and initialized array


auto a = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5][]);
writeln(a); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Function array

Convert a narrow autodecoding string to an array type that fully supports random access. This is handled as a special case and always returns an array of dchar

CopyTypeQualifiers!(ElementType!String,dchar)[] array(String)(
  scope String str
if (isAutodecodableString!String);


This function is never used when autodecoding is turned off.


str isNarrowString to be converted to an array of dchar


a dchar[], const(dchar)[], or immutable(dchar)[] depending on the constness of the input.


import std.range.primitives : isRandomAccessRange;
import std.traits : isAutodecodableString;

// note that if autodecoding is turned off, `array` will not transcode these.
static if (isAutodecodableString!string)
    writeln("Hello D".array); // "Hello D"d
    writeln("Hello D".array); // "Hello D"

static if (isAutodecodableString!wstring)
    writeln("Hello D"w.array); // "Hello D"d
    writeln("Hello D"w.array); // "Hello D"w

static assert(isRandomAccessRange!dstring == true);


Andrei Alexandrescu and Jonathan M Davis


Boost License 1.0.