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Template std.algorithm.iteration.substitute

Returns a range with all occurrences of substs in r. replaced with their substitution.

template substitute(substs...);

auto substitute(alias pred, R, Substs...)(
  R r,
  Substs substs
if (isInputRange!R && (Substs.length >= 2) && !is(CommonType!Substs == void));

Single value replacements ('ö'.substitute!('ä', 'a', 'ö', 'o', 'ü', )) are supported as well and in Ο(1).

Template substitute

Contained Functions

substitute Substitute single values with compile-time substitution mappings.

Function substitute


r an input range
value a single value which can be substituted in Ο(1)
substs a set of replacements/substitutions
pred the equality function to test if element(s) are equal to a substitution


a range with the substitutions replaced.

See Also

replace for an eager replace algorithm or translate, and tr for string algorithms with translation tables.


import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;

// substitute single elements
assert("do_it".substitute('_', ' ').equal("do it"));

// substitute multiple, single elements
assert("do_it".substitute('_', ' ',
                           'd', 'g',
                           'i', 't',
                           't', 'o')
              .equal("go to"));

// substitute subranges
assert("do_it".substitute("_", " ",
                          "do", "done")
              .equal("done it"));

// substitution works for any ElementType
int[] x = [1, 2, 3];
auto y = x.substitute(1, 0.1);
assert(y.equal([0.1, 2, 3]));
static assert(is(typeof(y.front) == double));

import std.range : retro;
assert([1, 2, 3].substitute(1, 0.1).retro.equal([3, 2, 0.1]));


Use the faster compile-time overload

import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;

// substitute subranges of a range
assert("apple_tree".substitute!("apple", "banana",
                                "tree", "shrub").equal("banana_shrub"));

// substitute subranges of a range
assert("apple_tree".substitute!('a', 'b',
                                't', 'f').equal("bpple_free"));

// substitute values
writeln('a'.substitute!('a', 'b', 't', 'f')); // 'b'


Multiple substitutes

import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.range.primitives : ElementType;

int[3] x = [1, 2, 3];
auto y = x[].substitute(1, 0.1)
            .substitute(0.1, 0.2);
static assert(is(typeof(y.front) == double));
assert(y.equal([0.2, 2, 3]));

auto z = "42".substitute('2', '3')
             .substitute('3', '1');
static assert(is(ElementType!(typeof(z)) == dchar));
assert(equal(z, "41"));


Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0.