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Function dmd.expressionsem.getThisSkipNestedFuncs

Helper function for getRightThis(). Gets this of the next outer aggregate.

Expression getThisSkipNestedFuncs(
  ref const(Loc) loc,
  dmd.dscope.Scope* sc,
  Dsymbol s,
  AggregateDeclaration ad,
  Expression e1,
  Type t,
  Dsymbol var,
  bool flag = false


loc location to use for error messages
sc context
s the parent symbol of the existing this
struct or class we need the correct this for
e1 existing this
t type of the existing this
var the specific member of ad we're accessing
flag if true, return null instead of throwing an error


Expression representing the this for the var


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0